[meteorite-list] Confirmed September 2012 BLM Regulations.

From: Count Deiro <countdeiro_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 21:47:20 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
Message-ID: <9493279.1360216040406.JavaMail.root_at_wamui-june.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 10:48:27 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
Subject: Fw: Meteorite Instructional Memo

Hi All,

In the process of planning new collecting trips in Arizona, Utah and Nevada, I confirmed with BLM the latest regulations concerning the collection of meteorites on Federal Land. (Private property and State owned land are subject to different law and regulations.). The attached message has a link to the current, nationally implimented, Federal regulations sent to me by Dan Erbes, Nevada Lands Manager, Carson City, Nevada - BLM.

Metal detectors and magnets are an allowable device for aid in the casual collecting of meteorites. A limit of ten pounds PER PERSON annually. I was told that if you find a thirty pound individual, or individuals, just make sure you have three people involved. Permits are available for scientific collection and commercial activities. Amendments have already been discussed, but not approved, to take care of the obvious unworkability of some aspects of the commercial permit regs, especailly the fee based on the estimated value of the land to be hunted.


Good hunting,

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536
Received on Thu 07 Feb 2013 12:47:20 AM PST

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