[meteorite-list] [Ad] Sudbury, Kentland, and Glover Bluff Impactites ending on eBay

From: Brandon <b1dunovant_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 09:02:11 -0600
Message-ID: <C9A30F99-8FBB-461C-A542-04893BA38ADB_at_aol.com>

> Good Day All,
> I have several impactites listed on eBay ending in about 4 hours, many that are still under $10!
> Listed impactites for sale:
> 136.9g Black Onaping windowed whole stone - http://tinyurl.com/bgjg8gl
> A large 474.7g full slice of Kentland breccia - http://tinyurl.com/asxv42x
> 204g slice of Sudbury Impact melt w/dark flow patterns - http://tinyurl.com/aunqhfz
> And an awesome 222.6g slice of Sudbury Metal-rich breccia- http://tinyurl.com/b7xknxe
> Thank you all for the consideration and have a nice day!
> Best,
> Brandon D.

* If you are looking for medium-large museum quality shattercones from Kentland, I have many. I also have lots of smaller 100-500g specimens available for the collectors that don't collect them specifically but would like a nice representative sample from the site, or outreach programs. Trade offers welcome. PM me and I will send pictures and weights *
Received on Thu 07 Feb 2013 10:02:11 AM PST

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