[meteorite-list] Making meteorite thin sections.

From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 10:20:46 -0700
Message-ID: <C81D607E.E9D9%mlblood_at_cox.net>

Hi All,
        I want to back Anne's statement. I used to offer the largest
Supply of thin sections (which were FAR fewer than Anne offers
Now) and then "someone" (God bless him - he is a fine fellow -
Just that someone convinced him the work he was doing for
Him was as good as anyone's work) - flooded the TS market
with pure crapolla. These suckers were so horrid you could
see the inferior quality with the naked eye - but they were
CHEAP - less costly than the cost of the MATERIAL I was using,
Let alone the cost of an excellent TS maker (Anne uses the same
Expert I did - and David New did before us). Somehow a great
Many collectors thought if it looks "pretty" it is a good product,
So why pay 5 times as much elsewhere. So, I got out of TSs.
        A properly made TS is a diagnostic tool - so much so that
Many universities will only use those they make themselves.
Anne's are absolutely top notch - and I know they are very
Costly to have made to perfection. She also is selling E.T.s
Personal collection of 1,000 TSs - possibly the largest collection
In the world - so, if you want top notch quality, the largest
Selection in the world and at very reasonable prices, Anne is
where to go.
        Keep up the great work, Anne.

On 5/21/10 4:50 PM, "Met. Anne Black" <Impactika at aol.com> wrote:

> Yes Ed,
> As Ryan explained, thin-sections must be exactly 30 microns thick, not 29
> or 31, and from edge to edge, not just here and there.
> If you don't have the specialized and very expensive equipment you will
> waste a lot of material and a great deal of time.
> May I suggest buying those thin-sections ready made, by the world expert in
> thin-sections?
> And yes, I do have the largest selection.
> Should this be considered an Ad? or public information? ;-)
> Anne M. Black
> _http://www.impactika.com/_ (http://www.impactika.com/)
> _IMPACTIKA at aol.com_ (mailto:IMPACTIKA at aol.com)
> Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
> _http://www.imca.cc/_ (http://www.imca.cc/)
> In a message dated 5/21/2010 4:25:21 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> ryan.weidert at gmail.com writes:
> Hi Ed,
> Thin sections are a bunch of work and have to be withing pretty
> strict parameters to let light through correctly. Although I've never
> made one myself before, I have friends whom have had to make hundreds
> for their masters/PhD projects and its pain, unless you like grinding,
> glueing, grinding. When done correctly, and with polarized light, the
> results (depending on the minerals) can be absolutely astounding
> natural work of art.
> Here's a link I came across on how to make one.
> http://almandine.geol.wwu.edu/~dave/other/thinsections/
> good luck!
> If you don't feel you're up to the task of making them, you can send
> rock/meteorite samples to be made for you, but of course its money,
> and the wait can be pretty long (months) to get them back.
> -ryan
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Received on Sat 22 May 2010 01:20:46 PM PDT

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