[meteorite-list] Re: Stones From The Stars: The UnsolvedMysteries of Meteorites

From: Charles O'Dale <codale0806_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Nov 18 14:37:55 2005
Message-ID: <003d01c5ec77$97626ac0$76792b18_at_mdguo5m3tdnvnv>

I have to admit that I can thank good old Erich Von Daniken for initiating
me into the realm of the skeptic. I fell for his "Chariots of the Gods"
nonsense hook line and sinker, and I was just beginning my engineering
career. What changed my opinion? An article in (of all things) Playboy Mag.

Playboy hired the then (almost) unknown Timothy Ferris to interview Eric for
the "Playboy Interview" column. Timothy virtually exposed all of Eric's
wacko ideas and his lack of empirical evidence (Eric actually made up most
of it up). I was astonished that I could have fallen for stuff like that.
Thus began my sub-career as a skeptic and my requirement for empirical
evidence of "claims". And I still read Playboy for its scientific articles.

Meeting Chair
Ottawa RASC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Axel Emmermann" <axel.emmermann_at_pandora.be>

Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Re: Stones From The Stars: The
UnsolvedMysteries of Meteorites

> Oh yes!
> That gave me flashback... wow... still dizzy from it ;-)))
> Back in the fifties to late sixties there was several hypes created around
> some books that were written by pseudo-scientists like Immanuel Velikovsky
> or even a reporter named Erich Von Daniken.
Received on Fri 18 Nov 2005 02:38:02 PM PST

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