[meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk at White House today

From: Don Merchant <dmerchan_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2013 23:31:40 -0500
Message-ID: <002201ce29da$d00aef70$6401a8c0_at_donaldmerchant>

Really interesting video. I did notice that when the major
flashes/bursts/explosions of the meteorite ends, it takes aproxamentally 11
seconds for the shock wave to hit. Any geniuses out there able to get a
rough idea how far or high in the sky the meteorite was when it exploded?
Don Merchant
----- Original Message -----
From: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" <meteoritemike at gmail.com>
To: "Michael Farmer" <mike at meteoriteguy.com>
Cc: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk at White House today

> Has there been any update on the woman who suffered a broken back from
> the event?
> On 3/25/13, Michael Farmer <mike at meteoriteguy.com> wrote:
>> I was just in Chelyabinsk, a city under emergency for the last month, -20
>> and tens of thousands of windows blown out, not only glass, but entire
>> walls
>> of many buildings caved in, entire buildings collapsed, and more than
>> 1500
>> wounded, some still in the hospital, and that was just a meteorite
>> passing
>> overhead 30 miles high.
>> Are you telling me that those hundreds of thousands of stones, doubtless
>> many weighing tons, would not have killed thousands or destroyed hundreds
>> of
>> buildings if it had directly impacted the city at a high angle? I think
>> the
>> damage would have been catastrophic and the death toll in the thousands.
>> Michael Farmer
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Mar 25, 2013, at 6:08 PM, Chris Peterson <clp at alumni.caltech.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> It's extremely doubtful that this body could have done all that much
>>> more
>>> damage. It simply wasn't big enough, or strong enough. A little steeper
>>> (or just as likely, as little shallower), a little earlier or later,
>>> probably wouldn't have made much difference.
>>> While I'd love to see a constellation of IR space telescopes looking for
>>> asteroids in this size range, realistically there's probably nothing we
>>> could do if we found one, and as a matter of public policy, the money
>>> might well be considered poorly spent.
>>> The reality is that the actual risk to human life and property from
>>> small
>>> asteroids is absurdly small compared to a large number of other things
>>> that we actually have some control over.
>>> Chris
>>> *******************************
>>> Chris L Peterson
>>> Cloudbait Observatory
>>> http://www.cloudbait.com
>>> On 3/25/2013 3:15 PM, Michael Farmer wrote:
>>>> Congratulations to Dante Lauretta of UOfA Lunar and Planetary
>>>> Laboratory
>>>> and Osiris-Rex mission, who presented a piece of Chelyabinsk that I
>>>> donated, to President Obama and Congress today while there to discuss
>>>> the
>>>> threat of asteroid impact.
>>>> Chelyabinsk was almost a "City Killer" as Richard Kowalski told me
>>>> yesterday, had it come in a few second earlier and steeper angle, a
>>>> million people in Chelyabinsk would likely be dead today.
>>>> Time to take meteorites serious.
>>>> Michael Farmer
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Received on Tue 26 Mar 2013 12:31:40 AM PDT

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