[meteorite-list] BLM and Meteorite Recovery Policy
From: Adam Hupe <raremeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2012 13:45:57 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <1354484757.57457.YahooMailNeo_at_web122001.mail.ne1.yahoo.com> TV entertainers and press-chasers have publicly turned looking for meteorites into a treasure hunt complete with grossly inflated price-tags to attract viewership. This is the same tired but effective method that the lame Antique Roadshow has used for over a decade.? Perhaps these entertainers can use their media influence to correct their wrongs or at the very least apologize to the meteorite collecting community for knowingly attracting the wrong kind of attention.? A lot of people including these BLM employees do not realize there is a difference between TV entertainment and reality.? It finally reached the point people have learned the prices quoted on the Antique Show are bogus when they go to market an item. Since meteorites are now considered treasure and antiques, perhaps we could learn something from England's treasure trove laws.? The Government there has to bid on the items if they truly want to protect them.? I think non-essential BLM jobs should be cut if these public servants are keeping themselves busy reading and acting upon Schmitt's crap or believe what they see on TV.? They should start with the personal that took it upon themselves to act as spokespeople for the rest of the public with the Meteorite Recover Act of 2012. Enough from me, I am angry over the this poor situation brought on by thoughtless people. Adam Received on Sun 02 Dec 2012 04:45:57 PM PST |
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