[meteorite-list] nwa 5400 pairing to nwa 5363
From: John.L.Cabassi <John_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 18:39:08 -0700 Message-ID: <000001cb61d2$9c091b20$a166fea9_at_anitak9bz49jy2> G'Day Norbert, Aziz and List Norbert, you were referring to the ratio plots being very close to TFL and the mineral compositions also matching up closely. Not to get everybody jumping up and down on this and please excuse my ignorance. But I was a little confused about the reference to "closely" and "close" Are the pairings of meteorites an absolute, like DNA? Or is there a +/- equation that falls into a paired absolute? Thank you in advance for stimulating my one brain cell Cheers John IMCA # 2125 -----Original Message----- From: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com [mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Norbert Classen Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 3:35 PM To: 'habibi abdelaziz'; 'meteorite list' Subject: [meteorite-list] RE: nwa 5400 pairing to nwa 5363 Hi Aziz, and All, Yes, I can confirm that I received all the data from Dr. Jambon in the meantime, including the O-isotope data, and there seems to be no doubt that NWA 5400 and the stone classified by Dr. Jambon (NWA 5363) are actually paired. The O-isotope ratios plot very close to the TFL (terrestrial fractionation line), and the mineral compositions for olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene do also match closely. Thanks to Dr. Jambon for providing these data. Kind regards, Norbert Classen -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- hi all, albert wrote today to me. he said, ''''''''''''''''''''''''' I did write to Norbert. He has the data now. . """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" thanks albert for your effort and your help ; and thanks norbert for helping this issue to move on to ?the good way. do we have this? data now all the best aziz habibi > ----- Message transf?r? ---- De : Norbert Classen > <riffraff at timewarp.de> ? : >habibi abdelaziz <azizhabibi at yahoo.com>; meteorite list ><meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Envoy? le : Mer 29 septembre >2010, 23h 11min 20s Objet : AW: [meteorite-list] nwa 5400 pairing to >nwa 5363 Dear Aziz & All, You wrote: > he said too that he has given >all the data that confirm > the pairing including the isotope to >norbert classen in > end june where they talk abaout this and as i >asked him > to do so. Maybe there's a slight misunderstanding here. I >actually emailed with Dr. Jambon in June, and we also intended to meet >at the Ste. Marie Show at the end of June where Dr. Jambon wanted to >show me all the data (including the O-isotope data). However, >unfortunatelly we missed each other at the show, and so the meeting >didn't take place. Don't get me wrong, I have no reason to doubt Dr. >Jambon's word on this - I just wanted to get the facts straight. Maybe >you misunderstood Dr. Jambon? But up to this day I haven't seen the >O-isotope data for NWA 5363. All I have seen is a writeup on NWA 5363 >which didn't include the O-isotope data. Again, that doesn't mean much, >and I'm also looking forward to the official publication of NWA 5363. >This will hopefully answer all the questions. We all need to remember >that meteorite classification (including the voting process on new >meteorites at the NomCom of the Meteoritical Society) takes time. So we >as collectors should, IMHO, be patient, and wait with conclusions until >the scientific work has been done and published. All the best, Norbert >-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- hi all and i m happy that this issue >is becoming a very polit and civilised discussion; well 3 months that i >do not want to get caught inside this discussion any more, but well >this is becoming repeated to a point that we forget what the debat is >about, for nwa 5363; i get a talk on albert jambon mobile , i asked him >that many dealers or collectors still think that nwa 5400 is not paired >to nwa 5363 and he answered me this. he said that he have submited to >the nomcom all the information, and he coudln't have said that they are >paired if he haven't done isotope so clearly he? indicate that he has >done isotope and have submited them to the nomcom dr wisberg or so , >its on the phone. and? he said he is surprised why the nomcom didn't >pubilsh them yet, he said too that he has given all the data that >confirm the pairing including the isotope to norbert classen in end >june where they talk abaout this and as i asked him to do so. so i ask >here do we have any guy from the nomcom here , please end this torture >and tell us if you have this data or not,and why you didn't publish >them. thanks aziz habibi ______________________________________________ >Visit the Archives at >http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list -- Albert JAMBON UPMC Univ? 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