[meteorite-list] Missle or Aircraft Controversy Resolved?

From: Meteorites USA <eric_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 13:10:25 -0800
Message-ID: <4CDB0A41.5080209_at_meteoritesusa.com>

BBC says Pentagon says Aircraft not Missile:

Fox News Blog says that DoD says aircraft...

"...With all the information that we have gathered over the last day...
both within the Department of Defense and other U.S. government
agencies, we have no information to suggest this was anything other than
a contrail caused by an aircraft," said Col. David Lapan..."

Still, the very careful wording of this quote is neither a confirmation
nor a denial. It's interesting how it's worded that the general public
is experiencing an "optical illusion".

Missile Launch Photos:



On 11/10/2010 12:56 PM, mafer at imagineopals.com wrote:
> even old missiles like the Nike left the launch rail at multi-mach
> speeds...the chances of an ATC seeing it long enough to think it might be a
> problem are slim since it would have been at a close to vertical climb. The
> military would have been instructed to just ignore or watch it, depending
> on their individual functions. Since it looks like it might have been off
> Point Magoo, I'd suspect it was a Navy test shot.
> On 8:48:30 pm 11/10/10 "Galactic Stone& Ironworks"<meteoritemike at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> If this was truly a ballistic missile, wouldn't it show up on the
>> radars of every air-traffic control tower and weather doppler for
>> hundreds of miles around? It doesn't seem like an epic investigation
>> to reconcile the known air-traffic in the area at the time and any
>> radar signatures that were detected. A plane and a missile would have
>> very different flight paths, so it should be relatively easy (for
>> qualified persons) to determine what it is.
>> Let's pretend this contrail was a bolide trail instead. Where is the
>> nearest doppler station?
>> Best regards,
>> MikeG
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>> -
>> On 11/10/10, Count Deiro<countdeiro at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>> Dear List,
>>> Those of us who insisted the subject trail was from a missle
>>> appear to have some heavy duty support. This has just been
>>> released internationally.
>>> ----But Doug Richardson, the editor of Janes Missiles and
>>> Rockets, examined the video for the Times of London and said he
>>> was left with little doubt.
>>> "Its a solid propellant missile," he told the Times. "You can
>>> tell from the efflux [smoke]."
>>> Richardson said it could have been a ballistic missile launched
>>> from a submarine or an interceptor, the defensive anti-missile
>>> weapon used by Navy surface ships---
>>> Regards,
>>> Count Deiro
>>> IMCA 3536
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Received on Wed 10 Nov 2010 04:10:25 PM PST

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