[meteorite-list] Petroglyphs

From: Thomas <tmorgan_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 19:52:17 -0700
Message-ID: <4CD37161.9080305_at_mind.net>

>On 11/4/2010 9:00 AM, Count Deiro wrote:
>Dave Holt, has never heard of the "Valley of the Yoni" in Nevada,

I was concerned that I might not be remembering this correctly so I
rechecked the source. It was in a story by Tom Robbins titled "Canyon of
the Vaginas", so I did get it wrong, but in my defense I think he refers
to it as valley of the yonis in the text.

Canyon of the Vaginas may not be the correct name either. Robbins made
it clear that he was aware of the potential for abuse at these sights so
he may have altered the name to help protect the place, or may have
simply created a name that he thought was more humorous.

Thomas M
Received on Thu 04 Nov 2010 10:52:17 PM PDT

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