[meteorite-list] Best Meteorite hunting handheld MD??

From: Erik Fisler <erikfwebb_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 15:34:17 -0700
Message-ID: <COL119-W357194BF2C9E5828CF28DEA4FF0_at_phx.gbl>

None the less, an opinion formed from experience.
Thanks Joe.


> Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 13:28:00 -0700
> From: skyrockmeteorites at yahoo.com
> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Best Meteorite hunting handheld MD??
> For me, I have found the xterra works good on highly mineralized soil using the tracking option, only available on the xterra 70, i dont thinks it available on the 50 or the 30. I would not use any other detector. The digital display and programming or so very helpful. I love this machine, it also have paid for its self many times over.
> My opinion could be very bias however......
> Best Wishes,
> Joe Kerchner
> http://illinoismeteorites.com
> http://skyrockcafe.com
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks
> To: Erik Fisler
> Cc: meteorite-list
> Sent: Sun, May 16, 2010 2:46:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Best Meteorite hunting handheld MD??
> Hi Joe and List,
> Erik hit on a good point - mineralization of the soil is important.
> The Tesoro Compadre is a pleasure to use, I can swing it around all
> day without my arm getting tired. I've owned wrist-watches that
> weighed more than the Compadre. But, it's got a small coil and it
> doesn't perform well on mineralized soil, so it's basically an
> overgrown pin-pointer with only about 2-3 inches of useable depth at
> the most. It's next to useless in wet packed sand at the beach.
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> On 5/16/10, Erik Fisler wrote:
>> Hi Joe, The problem with the Xterra is that it has less than an inch and a
>> half depth in highly mineralization areas. It should work great in good
>> soil with it's discrimination features. Too many rocks in Arizona sound
>> off as 25-25 on the ferrous-conductive scale on the Xterra.
>> [Erik]
>>> Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 09:20:21 -0700
>>> From: skyrockmeteorites at yahoo.com
>>> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Best Meteorite hunting handheld MD??
>>> I use the Minelab Xterra-70. I believe it is the best meteorite
>>> hunting hand-held. I can set it to discriminate everything except for
>>> meteorites. When I have it set to find only meteorites, I get very very
>>> few signals from other iron, once in a while I will get a signal for iron
>>> that has chrome on it, not sure why.
>>> While in WI, I used it quite a bit in the trees and tall grass, and
>>> hay fields. I only got a couple signals the entire time. While other
>>> detectors got many many signals. If I didnt have mine to double check the
>>> others, they may have spent all day digging. Even though not many hunters
>>> up in WI are using detectors, I was part of the time. After all, if I
>>> wasn't using it, I would not have found my 332g stone, it was completely
>>> buried, with no sign of disturbance at the surface.
>>> I know a few people who had Gold Bugs up there, but didnt use them
>>> because of all of the iuron junk in the ground up there, I used mine and
>>> found less than 5 pieces of scrap iron(fencing, old cans, much more).
>>> I was wondering what others use.
>>> I VERY HIGHLY recommend using the Xterra-70(now the Xterra 705) for
>>> meteorite hunting, it is very light weight, has changeable coils, very
>>> highly tuned discriminating options, very accurate. I love this thing. One
>>> of the other guys I was with this last trip was wishing he had an Xterra.
>>> There were very few hunters using detectors at all in WI, not sure
>>> why with all of the forest, tall grasses, and hay fields in the heart of
>>> the strewnfield. I think if more people would have been using an Xterra or
>>> another good discriminating MD there would have been many more finds made,
>>> I am sure of it.
>>> Best Wishes,
>>> Joe Kerchner
>>> http://illinoismeteorites.com
>>> http://skyrockcafe.com
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> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
> http://www.galactic-stone.com
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Received on Sun 16 May 2010 06:34:17 PM PDT

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