[meteorite-list] Wisconsin Meteorite Hunt.
From: wahlperry at aol.com <wahlperry_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 03 May 2010 09:26:20 -0400 Message-ID: <8CCB8DB5A3530F1-17C8-20C2_at_webmail-m065.sysops.aol.com> Wow Bill, you really seem to remember the chain of events much differently than I do. As I remember it was late in the day with little time left to hunt. As we pulled up there was a gentleman on an ATV, 2 guys standing at the back of a truck talking, and one guy leaning over a car talking thru the passenger window to the driver. As I approached the guy on the ATV I asked whose land it was, the man I spoke to WAS the PATRIARCH of the land. We joked about me riding on the back of his ATV and how much he would charge me per hour to drive around in his son's cornfield. He then suggested that I go talk to his son at the house at the bottom of the hill and ask for permission for my friends and I to hunt the land. As I was walking away you approached us and said Hi. We introduced ourselves ,I shook your hand. We then drove down to the bottom of the hill to talk to the landowner. The landowner greeted us and said "You can hunt this land all you want". We discussed a 50/50 split of the finds and a dollar amount per gram for his half if we were lucky enough to find any. He then explained the property boundaries and wished us luck. Bill you have to remember this was late in the day and we only had an hour and a half left of sunlight. We only wanted to hunt the small corner of the property to plan the next days hunt. You have to understand we spent thousands of dollars to come and do this hunt between airfare, rent a car and hotel. We were on a mission to get as much done as possible in a few short days. We are also working on mapping the finds and at the end will present the map to the University. Time was of the essence that evening. Bill , you would also think that when we returned the following morning we were greeted by BOTH THE FATHER AND THE SON and spent a few minutes joking around. At this point I am sure they would have said something if it was such a big deal. It is up to the landowners who they allow to hunt their property, not you. Bill as with this post and with the history of some of your other posts to the list you can understand why we did not spend a lot of time talking with you. Your bad reputation precedes you. Also for all of the meteorites that you are saying are being recovered please enlighten me. So for the 12 days you and your team spent out there please let us know how many kilos you recovered. There is no doubt that there may be a lot of material in the field but it is yet be found. With the planting going on there is a good chance the material may be lost forever. And as for Georgia, you're right my heart belongs to Georgia. Sonny -----Original Message----- From: bill kies <parkforestmet at hotmail.com> To: wahlperry at aol.com Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com Sent: Sun, May 2, 2010 10:33 pm Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Wisconsin Meteorite Hunt. Well, I just returned from my third trip with 12 days walking on cobbs and I have to say that the most pathetic display of rude bs was that of Sonny what's his name. The man pulled up his truck, looked through us like we were non-exixtant ignoring the fact, as we protested, that we had previous permission to search the property in question. Sonny was so aggressive that he didn't even notice that one of our team members was a 77 year old man that was the Patriarch of the family that owned the land. He ignored us and hauled ass straight up to the front door trying to conive his way in. Nice work Sonny. You deserve a big pat on the back. You belong in Georgia. You're a real inspiration to us all you greedy S*B. Bill PS: Keep pumping the lack of material. Time will tell. ----------------------------------------> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 00:37:00 -0400> From: wahlperry at aol.com> Subject: [meteorite-list] Wisconsin Meteorite Hunt.>> Hi All,>> I just returned from my second hunt in Wisconsin. I hunted a total of 9> days in the field. I really enjoyed spending time with the other> hunters and got to know some of the locals too.> Without a doubt, Wisconsin is the friendliest state I have ever> visited. Everyone would invite you into their homes, also allow you to> hunt for meteorites on their property. I even had> a chance to milk a cow. I want to say thanks to Rob Matson and Mark> Fries for the great work with the Doppler Radar. Terry Boudreaux and> Karl Aston played a major role in gaining> access to hunt many of the properties. These 2 guys are awesome. What> really made this trip enjoyable was spending time with everyone> hunting. After 9 days of hunting I was able> to find 3 meteorites, one with the assistance of Brix (my dog) and the> other 2 on my second trip out. The total of my finds is 366.4 grams. I> hope to post pictures from the hunt on my> website within the next week. The rumors of many stones being recovered> is simply not true. Out of 6 guys hunting for 4 days( covering a lot of> ground ) only 2 stones were recovered.> On the previous hunt with 10 guys hunting only 4 stones were recovered.> By far, the best complete stone I have seen is Rob Wesel's. Another> kudo's goes out to Joe Kerchner for his> magnificent find. Eric Wichman also made some outstanding finds.>> Many of the fields are now being plowed and planted. Further recovery> of meteorites is becoming more difficult. It would be nice to compile a> list of everyone's finds to determine the TKW> so far.>>> Good luck to all of the guys that are still out in the field.>> Sonny> ______________________________________________> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html> Meteorite-list mailing list> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list _________________________________________________________________The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. http://www.windowslive.com/campaign/thenewbusy?tile=multicalendar&ocid=PID28326::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HMP:042010_5______________________________________________Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.htmlMeteorite-list mailing listMeteorite-list at meteoritecentral.comhttp://six.pairlist.net/mailman/li stinfo/meteorite-list Received on Mon 03 May 2010 09:26:20 AM PDT |
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