[meteorite-list] AD - Auctions/Thoughts
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 13:40:02 -0500 Message-ID: <e51421551002231040y6db5175x5b6bc802dd128c49_at_mail.gmail.com> Hi Adam and List, I don't pretend to be an experienced or knowledgeable as you or some of the other veterans, but I have noticed some trends since I started out in the meteorite world three years ago. When I first started out, I could buy kilos of uNWA material for .05 cents a gram, and that included nice dark specimens that weren't covered in caliche. I'd buy a couple of kilos and I had a hard time letting most of the pieces go, because each kilo contained several stones that had relatively-fresh crust, thumbprints, and other desirable features. Now, if you can find a kilo for .05 cents a gram (without buying 100 kilos), you get a batch of heavily-weathered crap that is only fit for a rock tumbler. I've talked to several "old timers" and they all seem to agree that the Saharan situation is unique. There is not another Morocco waiting in the wings - when the offerings from the Sahara finally peter out, that's it. Don't expect China to open up the Gobi (which is covered in dark native rocks and would be a nightmare to search), and the world's other hot deserts are in countries that frown upon open exports of material - like Australia. The good news is, there is literally tons of uNWA material sitting in stockpiles and that material is going to keep the market stocked for a long time to come. The bad news is, the good prices are rapidly becoming a memory. Don't expect cheap deals when those stockpiles are opened up and distributed. I only wish I had taken out loans and got myself a dozen credit cards and maxxed them out on every nice uNWA I could find 3 years ago. Now I find myself unable to purchase the kind of material I like to collect because I simply can't afford it. When it comes to paying the electric bill, or buying a fresh dark crusted uNWA, I have to pay bills. I recently sold off 90% of my personal collection of over 100 localities - to pay medical bills. I seriously doubt I will be able to replace many of those pieces because the replacements will cost several times what I paid originally. So Adam is speaking the truth - bid now and bid often. I would if I could. Best regards and happy huntings, MikeG http://www.galactic-stone.com On 2/23/10, Adam Hupe <raremeteorites at yahoo.com> wrote: > Dear List Members, > > I have many great auctions ending this afternoon. You will find the most > complete assemblage of rarities currently available on eBay. I will be > adding > more new items each week as my final inventory comes out of preparation. It > is > becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible to replace this inventory > once it is sold so you may want to take advantage of some of these offerings > while the price is the lowest it has been in history. > > I imagine there will be a lot of complaints when Martian material is back > up to $1,000.00/gram when it can be had for a fraction of this price right > now. > The planetary find trend is way off and peaked a few years ago. It will not > be > long before the price catches up as the supply is depleted. Even Antarctica > is > running dry in this sector, something I thought was not possible just a few > years ago. Although Northwest Africa has handily overtaken Antarctica in > planetary finds, I thought that the long-term trend was in Antarctica's > favor > but this does not seem to be the case any more. I always thought that the > tortoise beat the hare! > > > I wonder what the next plateau will be once these places have been swept > clean? > > > > All Auctions Can Be Found At This link: > http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/raremeteorites!_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ > > > > Thank > you for looking and if you are bidding, good luck. > > > Best Regards, > > ------------------------------------ > Adam > Hupe > The Hupe Collection > Team LunarRock > IMCA 2185 > raremeteorites at yahoo.com > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at > http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Mike Gilmer http://www.galactic-stone.com http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone ------------------------------------------------------------Received on Tue 23 Feb 2010 01:40:02 PM PST |
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