[meteorite-list] AD - SALE and FUNDRAISER

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 13:48:05 -0400
Message-ID: <AANLkTimXfULc7Gjnbbd4Amc+RR5CMkqUvzNDjyC3cq7P_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Greg and List,

This is a great cause and I hope you get it off the ground. I really
and truly wish I could help out financially, but I am just not able to
do it.

There has not been a museum dedicated wholly to meteorites in the US
since Nininger's day and this museum that Greg is planning would be a
great boon to the hobby of collecting meteorites and possibly to
meteoritics as well - if the museum inspires young minds to take up
science for a career.

Those of you who are reading this, who are in a financial position to
help out, please support Greg with this project. If this museum
succeeds, it will be of benefit to the entire meteorite community.

I will offer this small bit of help - all people who donate at least
$100 worth of specimens (or money) to the museum project will receive
a lifetime 30% discount on everything and anything in my store
inventory. To qualify, simply help Greg out and then contact me. I
will confirm your donor status and then create a special coupon code
just for you to use at checkout. This is a bigger discount than my
mailing-list members and friends receive.

Greg has generously donated his time and money to this project - which
is a significant thing because Greg is a family man with children, and
time/money are two things that are at a premium for those who are
raising a family. If this project fails to get off the ground, then
we cannot blame Greg - we can only blame ourselves.

Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

On 8/27/10, Greg Catterton <star_wars_collector at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi to all, I hope everyone is doing well today.
> I have having a sale to raise funds for the museum, coming down to the line
> to get the building. It seems there is another party now interested in the
> location who wants to turn it into a fitness center (which we already have 4
> of in Lenoir)
> That said, you want some good deals? Make reasonable offers on ebay listings
> for sale off ebay to avoid fees. There is some really nice material listed.
> http://stores.shop.ebay.com/wanderingstarmeteorites
> I have a nice amount of NWA 6291 micros for sale for $10 each also.
> Here are some pics of NWA stones I was given to help raise funds
> The weight is from left to right. I am asking for best offers on these.
> 411g and 632g
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/411g632g.jpg
> 415g (very nice with massive "fault" that is fusion crusted inside the crack
> and not weathered. Kinda of looks like a rubble pile.
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/415ga.jpg
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/415gb.jpg
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/415gc.jpg
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/415gd.jpg
> 540g and 684g
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/540g684g.jpg
> 918g
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/918g.jpg
> 8kg - AWESOME stone, shows just how deep these things can hit and sink into
> the ground. I kept this uncleaned, it shows the depth line still.
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/8kgd.jpg
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/8kgc.jpg
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/8kgb.jpg
> http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c165/jedisdiamond/8kga.jpg
> I am also offering what I call the "Charter Membership" deal.
> For a one time fee of $100.00 you will get lifetime admission to the museum
> for any and all events. I will be having guest speakers and lectures as well
> as other events that will be additional to the normal admission, you get to
> attend those at no cost with the charter membership.
> I am up to $500.00 of the funds that are needed. You can see more about the
> museum here: http://meteoritemuseum.info/
> Thanks for looking, I hope everyone has a great day.
> Greg Catterton
> www.wanderingstarmeteorites.com
> IMCA member 4682
> On Ebay: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/wanderingstarmeteorites
> On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WanderingStarMeteorites
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Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
Received on Fri 27 Aug 2010 01:48:05 PM PDT

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