[meteorite-list] FW: OFF-TOPIC - Fake Lunar Landing Response
From: Warren Sansoucie <warren3174_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 11:29:05 -0500 Message-ID: <BAY132-W19DE675F89B01119E825E9D3060_at_phx.gbl> As I am smiling and nodding, I would like to add that claiming we did not go to the moon is also claiming that we brought back no lunar samples. If we brought back no lunar samples, how did we compare the lunar meteorites? Perhaps you believe green cheese is still the standard belief there as well? Honestly.... doing the REAL science and working through the REAL tasks is much easier than orchestrating a grand hoax. Warren Sansoucie ---------------------------------------- >> From: warren3174 at hotmail.com >> To: energylightandlove at yahoo.com; meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >> Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 10:56:06 -0500 >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OFF-TOPIC - Fake Lunar Landing Response >> >> >> >> With all due respect, I think I will choose to take my own advice to someone earlier this week and just smile and nod. >> >> Warren Sansoucie >> >> >> ---------------------------------------- >>> Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 08:50:48 -0700 >>> From: energylightandlove at yahoo.com >>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OFF-TOPIC - Fake Lunar Landing Response >>> To: warren3174 at hotmail.com; meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>> >>> Please Warren, your canned responses were expected >>> >>> I mean no discredit to the dedicated scientists and professionals at NASA and the military that worked on the project, and those that soldier on today, and I answered you in jest off list - no need to take this public, unless you want to. >>> >>> Speaking of the heroes that died in the Apollo I fire, Lt. Col Guss Grissom had gone public that the AS-204 was a lemon, and called a press conference to address grievances against NASA, and he, Roger Chaffee, and Ed White were killed on Pad 34. >>> >>> I take nobody at their word, and I do research the information...I was introduced to the topic from an ex-OSS officer, and a tireless college professor at the University of Missouri - Columbia. I don't claim to know the answer, but I do know there are glaring inconsistencies with the official story - for both the lunar landing, and the collapse of the towers that YOU brought up. >>> >>> The Russians didn't call us out because we sent hundreds of thousands of $$$ worth of grain to a hungry Russian country for FREE. >>> >>> Follow the $$$ - cost of Apollo space program - 1969 dollars - $25.4 billion in 2010 money - 150 billion plus - perfect start for the arms and space race >>> >>> They raised $30 billion - plenty of profit motive - and nice distraction from the Vietnam War. >>> >>> Why was there no direct Tv Feed - and where are the tapes? How did the astronauts manage to take thousands of photos, and none of them are blurry, all with expert composition. I am a professional photographer, and I know this is imossible on earth, much less on the moon, with cameras mounted on the chest, with gloves on, and no way to utilize the detailed functions of the camera...these were not point and shoot! 5,771 photos taken in 4834 minutes on the moon, with experiments and golf fit in as well. >>> >>> John Mauldin, astrophysicist at NASA, said shielding two meters thick would be needed to survive solar flares, and astronomical data shows 1,485 flares during Apollo flights, with no such protection. If the suits the astronauts wore really protected them from deadly radiation, why didn't we use them at chernobyl? The radiation at chernobyl was a fraction of what would be experienced on the moon. Apollo 16 should have encountered a huge flare! Van Allen Radiation belts - micrometeorites - plenty of deadly hazards. I grew up right next door to Johnson Space Center - I've seen first hand the objects and artifacts that supposedly went to the moon, and common sense does not allow a thinking individual to believe such a story, sorry. >>> >>> I golf regularly, and know that Allen Shephard's slice on Apollo 14's mission is not possible in no atmosphere. Mission control even noticed the slice, and mentioned it "live" >>> >>> Where are the stars? Why are there no impact craters from the lunar landing - no dust or dirt on the feet of the lander? >>> >>> Why is there no engine sound in the audio recording of the lunar landing, while an engine is producing 10,000 lbs of thrust feet from the astronaut's head? >>> >>> Why does all of the communication sound scripted? >>> >>> These are professionals trained to work well under extreme pressure, now Look at the press conference after the Apollo 11 flight. It does not take an expert in body language to see that they are very uncomfortable...not elated and excited as would be the first people to walk on the moon. >>> >>> Computer limitations, the combined CSM and LM guidance computers totaled 152kb of memory - and this system supposedly traveled 60,000% further than any manned spacecraft has gone before or since - come on! >>> >>> We have lost 14 brave shuttle astronauts who never left earth orbit, at a distance of under 300 miles. >>> >>> We had and still have the technology to fake it, but not to land men on the moon. >>> >>> and don't take my word for it - go see for yourself, there are more questions than answers. >>> >>> >>> ----- Original Message ---- >>> From: Warren Sansoucie >>> To: energylightandlove at yahoo.com; METEORITE LIST >>> Sent: Sat, April 24, 2010 7:27:22 AM >>> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Capturing asteroids in orbit >>> >>> >>> Oh no. >>> >>> We went to the moon. You will have to get over that dead issue. There is too much proof. There are old guys in Australia that pointed the dish to the moon to capture the first words ever spoken that laugh at people that believe it was a hoax. >>> >>> You don't understand the meaning of my post. We can't get ourselves in orbit due to political nonsense. >>> >>> Honestly, claiming that we did not go to the moon is a HUGE discredit to all of the thousands of people that worked on the project. >>> >>> If we didn't go to the moon, never mind all the evidence that is clear, tell me, why didn't the Russians call us out on it??? >>> >>> There was a loss of life during the Apollo missions. Three good men lost their lives. To say we didn't go to the moon is to dishonor them as well. >>> >>> Don't take my word for it. Research it yourself. Look at some of the Japanese data recently showing the landing sites. They in on it too?? >>> >>> Belief in here say and conjecture leads to insanity. Willie Nelson smokes weed and suddenly realizes George Bush blew up the towers. I had to listen for 8 years about how stupid our president was. Now an old withered pothead has him pegged as one of the greatest evil masterminds in history? lol fool me twice...can't fool the fooler >>> >>> Don't buy into the hype of something someone said under a black light whilst having epiphanies from mushrooms. Research things. >>> >>> Buzz Aldrin said it my favorite way when confronted with moon hoax theory..... POW! He hit the guy. An old man getting so upset over the hoax nonsense that he lost his composure and offered up lumps for a response. >>> >>> Warren Sansoucie >>> >>> ---------------------------------------- >>>> Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 07:11:14 -0700 >>>> From: energylightandlove at yahoo.com >>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Capturing asteroids in orbit >>>> To: warren3174 at hotmail.com >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> as you said, "LOL! We can't even get ourselves into orbit without help from another country." >>>> >>>> yet some still think we went to the moon...with technology from 1969, with no loss of life, and no repeat performances in 30 years! >>>> >>>> Just a thought. >>>> >>>> Jessica >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> ----- Original Message ---- >>>> From: Warren Sansoucie >>>> To: METEORITE LIST >>>> Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 9:30:08 PM >>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Capturing asteroids in orbit >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> LOL! We can't even get ourselves into orbit without help from another country. >>>> >>>> Warren Sansoucie >>>> >>>> ---------------------------------------- >>>>> Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:20:17 -0700 >>>>> From: miss_meteorite at yahoo.ca >>>>> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Capturing asteroids in orbit >>>>> >>>>> I wonder if it would possible to send some machines to the asteroid belt to capture some whole asteroids and bring them to Earth? Or would they be drifting too quickly in their orbits to capture with the current technology? Also would decent-sized samples from such captures be available to collectors? >>>>> >>>>> ----------- >>>>> Melanie >>>>> IMCA: 2975 >>>>> eBay: metmel2775 >>>>> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09 >>>>> >>>>> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get! >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> ______________________________________________ >>>>> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>> ______________________________________________ >>>> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >> ______________________________________________ >> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >> Meteorite-list mailing list >> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Sat 24 Apr 2010 12:29:05 PM PDT |
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