[meteorite-list] Meteorite rings - Nickel Content

From: Richard Kowalski <damoclid_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 09:39:22 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <510094.98270.qm_at_web113604.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>

My fiance' recently (and with no encouragement by me) came across rings made of meteoritic iron and asked me if I would be interested in such a ring for my wedding band. She had never seen them before and I of course hadn't even considered bringing the idea up, but since she thinks its a great idea for my ring, who am I to object?

My concern is the possibility of my developing a nickel allergy. AFAIK, I'm not allergic to the metal, but she certainly is.

My preference would be to have my ring made of a solid billet of the Iron used, but of course one that has in inlay of the Iron might be a better choice to limit exposure.

It appears that the most commonly available rings are made using Gibeon & Seymchan and some use Tambo Quemado. I'm just curious which of these three have the lowest Nickel content?


Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081
Received on Sun 11 Apr 2010 12:39:22 PM PDT

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