[meteorite-list] More information and pictures of the Maribo fall!
From: Mike Jensen <meteoriteplaya_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 12:14:45 -0600 Message-ID: <6f9da8300903141114s22848c68h9b5fe12dc960a85_at_mail.gmail.com> Hi Thomas & list Thanks for the link to the article. I was just dying to see what the article said so I translated it online. Though it is a little crude as translators just do a literal translation her is what I came up with; New Fall of Meteorite in Denmark A small handful of black stones on the table in geologists Henning Haack?s office of the Geological Museum, Natural History Museum (Denmark). It is now is not at all stones (They are not just earth rocks is what I think was meant). It is part of a meteorite. A meteorite of the very rare kind, a so-called carbonaceous chondrite, which contains the oldest parts of our solar system, 30 million years older than the earth. And since found is a bit of a sensation. Many may remember the very strong fireball, which, on 17 January was observed in the skies over the southern part of Denmark. Violent disclosure followed the lysst?rke (long bright fire-)ball. We have now recovered meteorites that were the reason for this natural phenomenon. Henning Haack is [beside himself with] enthusiasm. Just today, he has found that the black stone really is what he hoped for. "It is a very rare event. Only three times in the past, in Denmark found a fresh fallen meteorite, and not since 1951" tells the researcher. Enthusiasm he does share with the finder of meteorite, Thomas Grau from Germany, which has made it to his profession to trace newly fallen meteorites throughout Europe. A dedicated man who has put a tireless work behind found. In the light of film of ildkuglen (meteor), to the assessment of its open and the position in relation to the sound level which followed ildkuglen (meteor), and finally in the light of numerous interviews with observers in Lolland succeeded it after a month's time Thomas Grau to head into an area of the good Lollands ground, which could be a aktuelt nedslagsfelt (good place to search?). And after 6 days of intensive searching succeeded him to do its fantastic find. The many contacts to people who had heard or seen something from ildkuglens (meteors) case, was among other disseminated by Astronomer Anton Norup S?rensen, from Ildkuglecentralen (Meteor Center). The center is a cooperation between Danish celestial company, geological museum and Tycho Brahe Planetariet. After Ildkuglens (Meteor Center) appropriate received almost 500 requests from people in Denmark, Sweden and Poland, which had observed this phenomenon Anton Norup S?rensen is the man who has comprehensive and coordinated all the information from representations, and it has helped Thomas Grau well under way. There is a possibility that there may be more meteorites spread around in Lolland. Henning Haack would therefore ask people in Lolland to take an extra good look at their lawns and in tagrenderne (roof gutters?). If you are lucky enough to find something similar the meteorites in these pictures, so we must take a picture of the object of find site and then gently put it in a plastic as securely. And so it is important to keep meteorites cool and not let Magnets come in the vicinity of it. Meteorites will be displayed at Geological Museum, Natural History Museum (Denmark) at the weekend in's opening hours from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. At night, the rare meteorite will be securely locked. Image of fireball Ildkuglen (Meteor) as it could be seen Saturday D 17 January 2009 Image of interior One of the small meteorite fragments . Meteorites known among other things of the black fusion crust, and on the very characteristic particles which are embedded in stone. Under last three images Photograph: Thomas Grau Meteorites as it was in the grass after discovery. Mike Mike Jensen Meteorites 16730 E Ada PL Aurora, CO 80017-3137 USA 720-949-6220 IMCA 4264 website: www.jensenmeteorites.com On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 4:18 AM, Thomas ?sterberg <marie.m.osterberg at telia.com> wrote: > Dear List, > > I just found this link to Geologisk Museum in Copenhagen, with more pictures > of the meteorite fragements recovered, including some pics of the interior! > > Any idea its classification? Based on the text content (including articles > in Politiken) it seems to be a very, very fragile meteorite. Maybe new > Tagish Lake? Any comments? > > Thomas > http://geologi.snm.ku.dk/nyheder_gm/nyhed13032009/ > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Sat 14 Mar 2009 02:14:45 PM PDT |
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