[meteorite-list] Old-Time Cosmic Catastrophism is Alive and Well
From: Paul Heinrich <oxytropidoceras_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 02:25:25 -0600 Message-ID: <4B3476F5.7030603_at_cox.net> Dear friends, While searching the Internet, I can across examples that show that no-holds-barred cosmic catastrophism is still alive and well. Some examples include: Spedicato, E., 2009, Hypotheses and Scientific Approaches to Human Memory of Four Great Catastrophes. The 2009 Conference on Quantavolution, Kandersteg, Switzerland. http://www.2009-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/fromfirstdayinge/index.html http://www.2009-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/fromfirstdayinge/genexodus.pdf Another lecture by Dr. Spedicato, "Solomon and Dionysus: Who Were They? Two Mysteries Solved, Again Confirming the Validity of Ancient Texts" at: http://www.2009-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/solomonanddionys/index.html http://www.2009-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/solomonanddionys/soldion2.pdf Spedicato, E., 2008a, The Flood of Deucalion. The Paris Conference on Quatavolution 2008, Universit? Pierre-et- Marie-Curie, Paris, France. http://www.2008-paris-conference.org/mapage13/index.html http://www.2008-paris-conference.org/mapage13/deucalione-testo-inglese-1-.pdf http://www.2008-paris-conference.org/mapage6/index.html Spedicato, E., 2008a, From Phaethon to Pachamacac Hypotheses and scientific approaches to human memory of great catastrophes. The Paris Conference on Quatavolution 2008, Universit? Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France. at http://www.2008-paris-conference.org/mapage13/index.html http://www.2008-paris-conference.org/mapage13/phaethon-to-chapamacac.pdf http://www.2008-paris-conference.org/mapage6/index.html A 2007 Conference on Quatavolution paper of his, "Geography and Numerics of Eden, Kharsag and Paradise: Sumerian and Enochian Sources Versus the Genesis Tale" is quite revealing. http://www.2007-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/geographyandnume/index.html http://www.2007-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/geographyandnume/kharsag-emilio.pdf A similar catastrophist paper is: Barbiero, F., 2007, Changes of Rotation Axis of Earth after Asteroid/Cometary Impacts and Their Geological Effects. 2007 Conference on Quantavolution. Kandersteg, Switzerland. It can be found at: http://www.2007-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/changesofrotatio/index.html http://www.2007-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/changesofrotatio/confer-kandersteg-poles-ingl.pdf In the 2009 Conference on Quantavolution, Barbiero has a paper titled "Space-Time as a Field of Mass - A Proposal for a New Model of Physical Reality" at http://www.2009-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/space-timeasafie/index.html http://www.2009-kandersteg.q-conferences.com/space-timeasafie/spacetime-as-a-field-new.pdf I have absolutely no clue as to what Barbiero is talking about in his 2009 paper. From what I found in this paper, I very likely only need to start worrying if I did find something in this paper that I understood. However, Spedicato did get a paper published in a peer- reviewed book: It is: Spedicato, Emilio, 2008, Homer and Orosius: A Key to Explain Deucalion's Flood, Exodus and Other Tales, in S. A. Paipetis, ed., Science and Technology in Homeric Epics, vol. 6, pp. 369-374. History of Mechanism and Machine Science, Springer Netherlands. http://www.springerlink.com/content/p4q2u4w414866053/ http://interval.louisiana.edu/conferences/2007_Stenger/Slides_of_talks/homer-fetonte-lampos.pdf 2006 version of this paper can be found at: http://wwwdata.unibg.it/dati/bacheca/63/21693.pdf It seems like Spedicato is an excellent example of how far off the deep end that a scientist, in this case a mathematician, can go when they conduct "research" that is way outside their area of expertise. Another paper that also appears in "Science and Technology in Homeric Epics" is "A Comet During the Trojan War?" by Dr. Stavros Papamarinopoulos at either http://www.2008-paris-conference.org/mapage12/phaethon-in-springer-1-.pdf , http://www.2008-paris-conference.org/mapage12/index.html , or http://www.springerlink.com/content/q721u76w20r64431/ Yours, Paul H. Received on Fri 25 Dec 2009 03:25:25 AM PST |
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