[meteorite-list] I will no longer ship to Italy using paypal
From: Michael Farmer <meteoriteguy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 07:59:46 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <687615.47290.qm_at_web33103.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Francesco, I am just tired of losing my money. I work hard to acquire my meteorites, and doing hundreds of ebay auctions a month is a full-time job. To see 40 or 50% of items I send to Italy continually vanish is just no longer acceptable. I do not know or care where the problem it, but it is clearly on the Italian side. I am not the only one with the problem, it has been ongoing for years. I am simply no longer willing to throw my meteorites and money away by risking shipment to Italy if the meteorites are paid for via paypal. Michael Farmer --- Moser Francesco <cojack at tiscali.it> wrote: > Hi All! > As you know I'm Italian so I think I have the right > to tell you my 2cents! > > 1) Naples and the rubbish (OT): > Maybe most of you don't know nothing about the > rubbish situations in Naples > and the near cities. > This is the situation: > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rud-B1IDo-Q&feature=related > http://images.google.it/images?gbv=2&svnum=10&hl=it&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Ait%3Aofficial&q=napoli+immondizia&btnG=Cerca+immagini > About 130.000ton of the rubbish on the streets!!! > The fault is the Mafia, corrupt politicians and a > lot of other people > interested in the rubbish businnes. > It's very humiliating that this is the image that > the other countries has > about Italy and about Italian people, so I write > this e-mail. > > > 2) Italian situation (OT): > As you know Italy is a long and thin country, long > about 1000km from north > to south. > You have to know that there are HUGE and HUGE > difference beetween the > northern regions and the southern regions. > Many people who live in the northern Italy think > that the south Italy looks > like Third World, like the poorest and worst African > Country. > Who live in south Italy look at the northern like a > paradise on earth! A lot > of people leave the cities in south for search a > better life and work in > north. > I'm so angry when someone from the other country > think that the Mafia is > present in Italy!!! Mafia is only in the south and > biggest problem of my > country comes also from the southern regions! > Billions of Euro every year leave the northern > regions for the south Italy, > for try to resolve the dramatic situation, but all > this money goes in the > pocket of the Mafia :( > When the political class will change I hope a lot of > problems will > disappear! > > So please when you insult Italy and the Italian > People for Mafia and > organized crime, remember that in Italy there are 2 > different Italy!!! > A rich and beatiful north and a poor and really > problematic south!! > > 3) POSTAL PROBLEM: > I'm so sorry to read that the post from USA to > Europe (and specially to > Italy) go lost in a lot of cases! > In the last 2years I have sent and received a lot of > packages, about 100. > Only one letter sent to Germany went lost... > At now the person how sent something to me have > never lost anything, I have > had some trouble only with a couple of letters... > Actually I'm waiting for 5 meteorites...I hope they > are on the way :D !!! > > I don't know the cause of these lost and for the > huge delay, i think the > situation has worsened in the last few month. > I live in a little city, about 100.000 inhabitants, > in august there were > about 25ton of post in local postal office, nobody > knows what really > happened and why! > 6 month ago a package took about 15days for the trip > from USA, now I know I > have to wait 4-6weeks. > But for example Greg Hupe has sent me a box on 29.15 > and it was arrived on > 14.01! > Some month ago I send a meteorite to Boston and the > trip took just 8days > with the normal post, just 0.80??? of shipping cost! > The trip of a letter from Germany took 3weeks... > > I don't think there is corruption of the postal > service...I think it's hard > to say where is the problem. > I hope in the future the problem disappear so we > (European and Italian) > could buy from the great USA dealer without problem! > > > Ciao > > <><><><> > Francesco Moser > > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Fri 18 Jan 2008 10:59:46 AM PST |
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