[meteorite-list] 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Own A Meteorite!
From: AL Mitterling <almitt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2008 09:14:04 -0500 Message-ID: <4783852C.9000501_at_kconline.com> Hi Rhonda and all, My first specimen was Canyon Diablo oxide but when I started to seriously collect, I bought a Canyon Diablo, Imilac and Allende CV3. Not bad first choices. Today with lunar material available I think that I would purchase a nice lunar specimen as those are truly unique and something that we can all relate to as we all see the moon from time to time in the sky. You could buy HED's from Vesta or some of the many samples of Martian material that grace our collections. You could buy the three main classes, a stony, iron and stony-iron so you could build from there. Might as well jump in and get really wet. The choices are really endless but most important buy something of interest and meaning to you Best! --AL Mitterling Rhonda Rose wrote: But mostly #2 - I want the first one to be special and I can't figure out what exactly it should be. I even thought about asking it as a post -i.e., if you could choose what your first metorite would be, what would you go for, but thought that was too pedestrian for you guys. Received on Tue 08 Jan 2008 09:14:04 AM PST |
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