[meteorite-list] Meteorite-list Digest, Vol 42, Issue 63

From: falling_star_woman at sbcglobal.net <falling_star_woman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 10:24:04 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <40314.89921.qm_at_web82806.mail.mud.yahoo.com>


"to quote Carl Sagan "Billll-yuns and Billl-yuns of years"

Dr. Sagan used the term "millions and billions" when trying to describe the vastness of space. His good friend, Johnny Carson (I'm sure you remember him) used to spoof Dr. Sagan - and the term "billions and billions" was born.

Dr. Sagan never said billions and billions - ever. He wrote about it in his book of the same title shortly before his death.

If you're going to quote the man - get it right.

Perhaps you need to find a Pentacostal Bible Thumping list somewhere to pontificate about your ignorance of science and all things connected.

Pamela Shireman
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