[meteorite-list] Mr. Altman. RE: Mr. Sterling and Larry

From: Greg Hupe <gmhupe_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 08:31:46 -0400
Message-ID: <036601c7a2b6$7cf950d0$36b02041_at_Gregor>


I think we have had enough of this "NON-meteorite"-related talk. I for one am tired of the emails!

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
  From: Chris Merry
  To: meteorite-list
  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 7:19 AM
  Subject: [meteorite-list] Mr. Altman. RE: Mr. Sterling and Larry

  Mr. Altman,
  I was wondering when one of you guys were gonna crawl out and come at me, thanks for being among the first. Obviously you are threatend by free speech, unless it is your viewpoint.
  Like I said belive how you wish...I guess to you it is alright to put Chirstians down, just leave the science alone. It also says in the Bible, to paraphrase, a fool says there is no God.

  "Back to stones, please". Man go talk to your buds Mr. Steling and Larry, they started this!

  Any great to hear from you, I always like to mix it up a bit. :-)



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