[meteorite-list] Tornado snatches 1, 000 pound pallasite meteorite

From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 06 May 2007 16:40:17 -0500
Message-ID: <qgis33d3q9qg0tjpi7gch0i4mbu0g6hgar_at_4ax.com>

On Sun, 6 May 2007 13:49:07 -0500, you wrote:

>I agree with Charlie. I don't think it would be moved much, if any.
>I think a wind greater than the terminal velocity of the object in
>free fall would be needed to lift it, and that would be several
>hundred miles per hour. If it is truly missing, I would be willing
>to bet on theft.

I wouldn't expect theft-- yet. A chaotic situation known about only minutes in
advance, destroying the entire town, and a theft needing heavy lifting equipment
and transportation (even if only a engine-block lifter and a big pickup) doesn't
seem too likely. I'd bet it is still in the pile of debris that was the
building containing it. Unless that building is what is now on top of the well,
in which case it could be at the bottom of the well. What is more of a concern
(from a meteorite perspective, not to belittle all the other human an material
loss) is the other meteorite collection of the town that is mentioned-- which
would be much more easily lost and much harder to find.

Speaking of, anyone have photos of the other meteorite collection, as mentioned
in the articles?
Received on Sun 06 May 2007 05:40:17 PM PDT

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