[meteorite-list] Greensburg Fundraiser - IMPORTANT

From: Notkin <geoking_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 13:31:31 -0700
Message-ID: <690773a3a94f3e91ff4112ce87e77884_at_notkin.net>

Dear Listees:

The international Meteorite Community joined together in the fall of
2005 to raise an amazing $12,437.49 for victims of the Hurricane
Katrina tragedy. All of those funds were donated to the Red Cross for
disaster relief work in and around New Orleans.

As you well know, the small Kansas farm town of Greensburg was largely
destroyed on Friday evening and we're asking you to join in and help
us, once again, with another fundraiser.

Greensburg isn't just any town. Steve "Brenham" Arnold has (or had) a
home there, and he and his colleagues have made many real friends in
the area. Greensburg is the nearest sizeable town to the Brenham
strewnfield, and it was our temporary home while filming the "Cash and
Treasures" and "Wired Science" TV shows. For decades it has been home
to H.O. Stockwell's mighty 1,000-lb Brenham meteorite find, a charming
local museum, and many hardworking rural farming families.

Kiowa County has been very good to Steve, myself, many of our
colleagues, and to the meteorite community, and we intend to help them
now in their hour of need. To that end we are putting together a
fundraiser and are looking at some form of charity raffle. We will be
asking for donations of meteorites and meteorite-related items for that
raffle. Donations and contributions are tax deductible.

We are also asking for cash donations, and those donations will count
towards raffle tickets, or similar. The people in Greensburg need help
NOW and so we ask any concerned parties to send what they can today and
we'll work out the details (raffle tickets, etc.) later.

Maria Haas, who impeccably managed our fundraisers for the Schiff
family and the Branch family will once again be handling all of the
finances. You can PayPal funds to her now at: dragonsoup at msn.com

. . . or email her at the same address to request her mailing address
if you wish to send a check or money order.

Our man in Wichita, Mark Bostick, is coordinating locally and -- along
with Steve -- looking at the most effective ways to get funds into the
hands of people who need assistance. I will be putting together a
comprehensive web page with donated items for the raffle and other info
related to the effort.

We already have over $500 pledged, and that was just from the first
three people who stepped up (thank you Sonny and Chicago Steve). Please
contribute anything you can to Maria, and send donations (meteorites,
etc.) for the raffle to me -- or better yet, take a nice photo and
email that to me. We'll let you know where to send the actual item(s)

More details as we get them.

Yours respectfully,

Greensburg Fundraiser 2007

Sonny Clary
Mark Bostick
Maria Haas
Anne Black
Steve "Brenham" Arnold
Geoff Notkin


? PayPal donations to: dragonsoup at msn.com

? Email photos of donated items for the raffle to: geoking at notkin.net

? Mail donated items requiring photography to:

Aerolite Meteorites
P.O. Box 36652
Tucson, AZ 85740

Received on Sun 06 May 2007 04:31:31 PM PDT

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