[meteorite-list] Re: Clowns . was SelfProclaimedPairingsIssues(SPPI)
From: David Weir <dgweir_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat May 6 19:00:36 2006 Message-ID: <445D2A90.9040603_at_earthlink.net> Hello Adam, I am not relying on any statements by my friends Aziz or Nelson to gauge whether or not NWA 3133 and 1839 are paired or not paired. I also have no bias for whichever scenario is correct, I just want to know. The following information is all that I have to go on, and it all supports a scenario that NWA 3133 and 1839 are likely paired. I wish I had something more definitive. If you have more definitive data that suggests they are not paired, then please advise us. 1.The following link to an abstract by Irving, Bunch, Rumble III, and Larson, which shows the relationship (pairing factor not directly addressed) of the metachondrites NWA 3133 and 1839 and their affiliation to the CV PB. <http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/metsoc2005/pdf/5218.pdf> 2.The following link is to the NAU webpage maintained by Ted Bunch and James Wittke, which uses the slash symbol between NWA 3133 and 1839 in the following sentence discussing their classification: "NWA 3133/1839 paired specimens were originally classified as L7 chondrites..." Did you read the word "paired" Adam? They further refer to this combination 3133/1839 as "this meteorite", implying a single stone. Do you comprehend now why I believe they are paired? Am I jumping to a conclusion here based on heresay, as you imply? This sentence is presented in the section Primitive Ungrouped Achondrites at the following link: <http://www4.nau.edu/meteorite/Meteorite/Book-PrimitiveAchond.html> Actually Adam, your statement that I'm "in touch with scientists" is not accurate. I do not bother busy scientists with the zillions of questions that I have about the field of meteoritics, but instead, read and study on my own from published documents in order to keep my facts straight. When more facts about this pairing question are published in the future, I'll make any revisions to my systematic website that are necessary. Regards, David > Hello Dave and List, > > The so-called pairing to NWA 3133 has a different affinity as you like to > say although just as rare as a CV. You are in touch with scientists, check > it out. Our material did not come from Aziz Habibi and anybody who listens > to him should take what he says with a serious grain of salt. Anybody who > has been to Morocco knows exactly what I am talking about. If you recall, > the first "Official" data posted to the List by Nelson Oaks about the > suspected pairing was faked. > > If in doubt, check it out, > > Adam Received on Sat 06 May 2006 07:00:32 PM PDT |
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