[meteorite-list] Membrane Boxes

From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Feb 11 22:01:25 2006
Message-ID: <C013E4FA.284AD%mlblood_at_cox.net>

Hi Darren,
        Would you please make these membrane boxes? I am sure everyone
on the list - and all of Christendom would be happy to give you 6 c each
for a 100% "mark up" and be happy to do so.
        Sincerely, Michael Blood

on 2/11/06 3:09 PM, Darren Garrison at cynapse_at_charter.net wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 23:17:54 +0100, you wrote:
>> Huh, where is the problem?
>> Hartman is taking for 100 microboxes 1.3$ each.
> Meanwhile, I can buy gem jars for around 20 cents each. It's a matter of
> scale.
> I wouldn't worry about a $1 difference in price for something that cost $1000,
> or $100. But at $10, it starts to be a factor, and the difference between
> something that cost $1.30 and something that cost $0.20 and serves virtually
> the
> same purpose IS going to make a difference in my opinion. I'm not judging the
> price that the reseller has to charge, I'm judging the price the manufacturer
> charges. With gem jars, you have something that costs a few cents to make and
> sells for around 20 cents. With membrane boxes, you have something that costs
> a
> few cents to make and sells for over a dollar. That's my point-- price
> gouging
> by a monopoly single source.
>> Wouldn't you make photos of those persons you love, because the albums to
>> keep the photos are to expensive?
> Not a good analogy. A better one is, would I buy a frame for the picture from
> company X at one price, or buy a frame made from the virtually the same amount
> of virtually the same materials a different company for 5 or 6 times the
> price.
> You might do that. I wouldn't. (And I haven't made a film-based photo in
> over
> 3 years-- I've taken maybe 15,000 with my digital camera since then, and at
> least 90 percent of them have never seen paper).
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Received on Sat 11 Feb 2006 10:01:14 PM PST

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