[meteorite-list] Micromounts.

From: Kirk Jenks <bandk_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Aug 18 22:37:14 2006
Message-ID: <002701c6c338$5a6919a0$95f80b45_at_owner55652f88b>

Hi All,
       I agree----I like putting together smaller pieces of the rare
meteorites.....because they look nice all together on display.....and simply
because its hard for me to afford the larger pieces. This way.....I get a
variety of many different types.....some being extremely rare, like Lunar
and Martian pieces!!
This is why I like the amounts that Adam Hupe usually offers.....in this
way, a "little fish" like me can still get some "HEAVYWEIGHT" pieces at an
affordable price.....where if the piece was much larger.....I would not be
able to afford them right now. Just my 2 cents worth of chatter.
       Have a good weekend everyone!
----- Original Message -----
From: "E.P. Grondine" <epgrondine_at_yahoo.com>
To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 9:04 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Micromounts; craters; SL9 impact movie

> Hi all -
> I few thoughts in the night.
> On micromounts, I seem to rememeber that several years
> ago someone had assembled a box set, with a wide
> assortment of meteorites (about $400 at the time)...
> I also remembered that Nininger produced a book which
> had a canyon diablo in a plastic bubble...
> I also remembered that Jensen scientific was selling a
> collection for educational use...
> So, why not a childrens' book, which has cheap
> examples of the three common types packaged in bubbles
> attached to the pages? Kind of like a "Rocks From
> Space" Jr. edition - a basic primer. Think of all the
> aggravation a book like this would save you when those
> kids became adults.
> Second,would someone put together an internet list of
> craters with with Google Earth/ and or Microsoft Earth
> links? add age, and leave a column for impactor type,
> which you can fill in with "unknown" for most of them
> right now.
> Finally, where is a movie showing the impacts of all
> of the fragments of SL9 with Jupiter? While we have
> movies or images of each impact, they've never been
> combined. No one has remapped the colors and re-sized
> them. Simulated natural color would be nice.
> good hunting,
> Ed
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Received on Fri 18 Aug 2006 10:36:59 PM PDT

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