[meteorite-list] YAEMML

From: Kevin Forbes <vk3ukf_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Nov 10 12:51:06 2005
Message-ID: <BAY113-F1568D01E49345B54C753F099660_at_phx.gbl>

Hi folks, I could not help myself. After reading the eBay ads for these
nutty Mars Meteorite boulders for sale for the bargain basement price of 7
million, 3 million and 180,000 dollars. I put an ad on eBay taking the P**S
out of them all. You might think there is a bit of a white lie here an there
in the text, but everything I say is true with out a word of a lie. The
difficult to believe items are, 1) I have been to Uranus, Uranus is a small
settlement on the dirt track called Plenty highway in central Northern
Territory with corrugations so severe it would rattle any car to pieces and
no speed seems to avoid the RRRRRRRR, that you must travel through on the
way to the Boxhole meteorite crater. 2) I speak to spacemen, I have an
amateur ticket, with several astronaut contacts behind me. 3) moonstone from
a volcano, clear moonstone feldspar is spewed up from some of the volcanic
vents around here and lies on the surface with other large crystals slightly
dissolved and rounded by the magma on the way up.
The ad should be read with a Scottish accent, and I make a pun on the
Scottish word for more, which is 'mair' by changing it to 'mare'.
I had fun writing it, and it only cost a buck.
Cheers all, Kevin. VK3UKF.
Received on Thu 10 Nov 2005 12:51:03 PM PST

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