[meteorite-list] respect lost/but hopefully will regain
From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jul 17 12:52:40 2005 Message-ID: <r13ld1d6iusmskbjmj64tl3hkpq51g20au_at_4ax.com> A small bit of (hopefully) constructive criticism. Take a break, sit back and relax with a good book. Specificly, THIS book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0060006641/104-5074162-4029542 On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 09:03:38 -0700 (PDT), "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!" <steve_arnol60120_at_yahoo.com> wrote: >Good morning list.I continue to look at hate emails from people from whom >I have disrespected.I do really feel ashamed for the crap I have given >this list.And for what?Just my own self gain?No!Just for the love of this >great hobby.But I really never meant to do any disrespecting of anyone on >this list.The list was here alot longer than I have been around.I just >wanted to be accepted by everyone and get to know all who are involved in >this great hobby.I have bob haag to thank for the passion I have for >meteorites.He got the fire going in me to keep on keeping on with >meteorites.Than it just grew into something even bigger than I could >imagine.Then when I got on the list,I realized I was part of something >even bigger that could get me noticed even more.Well that backed fired >because of my big ego.And yes I do have a big ego.And it has gotten me >into alot of trouble in my life.But I really do want to make ammends with >the few list members with whom I have totally have disrespected.I really >hope to earn your respect again by being true to my action by my apology >yesterday.This is a sincere email of totally being apologitic.I will >maintain from here out,nothing but meteorite related content that will >serve only the interest of everyone on this list and anyone associated to >this list.I also thank art for being a gracious moderator and for not >throwing me off this list.I really know that I am part of something that >is truly enique and I want to continue to be a part of something that I >truly enjoy.It is time to shape up when a list member tells me that people >on this list HATE MY GUTS.That hurts!You all may think that I have been >the good soldier for putting up with all anti-steve post,and that I have a >strong resolve.Well to tell you the truth it just eats away at me,and >after yesterday,I said that's it.No more!Lets set right this sinking ship >and do something positive to get back on the right course.I really hope >there is not a gone way over the line,I really so hope that I can win back >all the list members that I have really hurt.Again I am truly sorry.From >now any sales,ebay,givaways,or non-meteorite items will strictly be done >on another list that was meant to be for that reason,I will post to >that.And here is promise I will keep and you can truly count on,if I do >post something like I just stated,I will unsubscribe from this list.I have >been to tucson for 3 years in a row,and I plan to keep going until it >wears out.I have met alot of great people and there are alot more I look >forward to meeting.It is a great time to be a collecter,and to me this is >the best hobby in the world that is truly out of this world.Please again >accept my humble apology for my disrepectful actions and attitudes.I >really hope we can put this all behind us and that we can all get back to >what we love,and that is meteorites, > > sincerely,steve arnold, chicago > >Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 > > >Illinois Meteorites,Ltd! > > >website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around >http://mail.yahoo.com >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Sun 17 Jul 2005 12:58:47 PM PDT |
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