[meteorite-list] respect lost/but hopefully will regain

From: Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! <steve_arnol60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jul 17 12:03:40 2005
Message-ID: <20050717160338.31586.qmail_at_web31805.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

Good morning list.I continue to look at hate emails from people from whom
I have disrespected.I do really feel ashamed for the crap I have given
this list.And for what?Just my own self gain?No!Just for the love of this
great hobby.But I really never meant to do any disrespecting of anyone on
this list.The list was here alot longer than I have been around.I just
wanted to be accepted by everyone and get to know all who are involved in
this great hobby.I have bob haag to thank for the passion I have for
meteorites.He got the fire going in me to keep on keeping on with
meteorites.Than it just grew into something even bigger than I could
imagine.Then when I got on the list,I realized I was part of something
even bigger that could get me noticed even more.Well that backed fired
because of my big ego.And yes I do have a big ego.And it has gotten me
into alot of trouble in my life.But I really do want to make ammends with
the few list members with whom I have totally have disrespected.I really
hope to earn your respect again by being true to my action by my apology
yesterday.This is a sincere email of totally being apologitic.I will
maintain from here out,nothing but meteorite related content that will
serve only the interest of everyone on this list and anyone associated to
this list.I also thank art for being a gracious moderator and for not
throwing me off this list.I really know that I am part of something that
is truly enique and I want to continue to be a part of something that I
truly enjoy.It is time to shape up when a list member tells me that people
on this list HATE MY GUTS.That hurts!You all may think that I have been
the good soldier for putting up with all anti-steve post,and that I have a
strong resolve.Well to tell you the truth it just eats away at me,and
after yesterday,I said that's it.No more!Lets set right this sinking ship
and do something positive to get back on the right course.I really hope
there is not a gone way over the line,I really so hope that I can win back
all the list members that I have really hurt.Again I am truly sorry.From
now any sales,ebay,givaways,or non-meteorite items will strictly be done
on another list that was meant to be for that reason,I will post to
that.And here is promise I will keep and you can truly count on,if I do
post something like I just stated,I will unsubscribe from this list.I have
been to tucson for 3 years in a row,and I plan to keep going until it
wears out.I have met alot of great people and there are alot more I look
forward to meeting.It is a great time to be a collecter,and to me this is
the best hobby in the world that is truly out of this world.Please again
accept my humble apology for my disrepectful actions and attitudes.I
really hope we can put this all behind us and that we can all get back to
what we love,and that is meteorites,

                                   sincerely,steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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Received on Sun 17 Jul 2005 12:03:38 PM PDT

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