Re-2: [meteorite-list] Steve's posts<--forged ?

From: Pete Pete <>
Date: Sun Jul 17 13:10:44 2005
Message-ID: <BAY104-F834E50142DC9A4DCFFFD6F8D20_at_phx.gbl>

The "welcome" is appreciated from you and the others!

That's exactly the reason for the "?". I wasn't sure if it was a typo, or a
clever cipher I was missing, like "EL drives a 5 ton".

Regardless, I'm not here to fence with anyone, nor take sides. I just want
to continue reading and learning about anything that has to do with
meteorites from you all.
I am quickly learning which posts not to waste time opening in the future as
they vent at me now, which, happily, it appears that there really isn't a
lot of them...!

Thanks again, and glad to be here!


Subject: RE: Re-2: [meteorite-list] Steve's posts<--forged ?
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 10:42:55 -0500

Hello All,

If one looks through the e-mails today it is Elton who mispelled him name,
which I sure is the reason for "?".

Be careful Pete. Many members do not like it if you express anything other
then agreement when they get in the bash Steve mode.

I have posted a lot less to the list the last few months. But it is not
because of Steve. Look in the archives and tell me who are posting
non-meteorite related hateful e-mails. And posting the same e-mails over
and over again.

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick

Meteorite-list mailing list
Received on Sun 17 Jul 2005 01:10:42 PM PDT

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