[meteorite-list] Gary K. Foote and a little Esquel

From: Dana <zeus_daughter2_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Dec 19 22:54:13 2005
Message-ID: <20051220035410.68722.qmail_at_web50113.mail.yahoo.com>

Howdy, howdy... Welcome to the list. First off just
let me tell you I have been following this list for
about two years and I still have questions compiled
upon questions when it comes to this hobby. Some
people on the list have little or no sense of humor,
some seem to only post to pick fights with others on
the list, and then there is this rare small percent of
the group that are truly here to help others learn
about this hobby/trade (depending on what angle your
playing) and they are really great guys... wonderful
to know and loads to brain pick from. Guess what I am
saying to ya is take the BS petty fights with a grain
of salt because the friendships and knowledge make it
worthwhile is what I have found thru the years. Try
to make it to Tucson if you can! Everyone is always
willing to talk turkey there and seem to have lots of
time on their hands to do so once they get settled in.
 Its a good time to learn lots and find great deals.

Secondly, always love to have another biker to chuckle
with on the list... I ride an 87' Heritage Harley

Third, anyone got a nice small Esquel they are looking
to get rid of? I am looking for 4 grams or less. I
am wanting to have it to use in a tombstone setting
for a very special friend who is about to pass away.

~Dana Hawn
Louisville, IL

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Received on Mon 19 Dec 2005 10:54:10 PM PST

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