[meteorite-list] Sahara 99555, a "Rosetta Stone"! OT: Tired of untruths!

From: Martin Altmann <Altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Aug 31 17:43:03 2005
Message-ID: <007d01c5ae76$63457f00$6389fea9_at_9y6y40j>

(Sorry, if this mail arrives twice, but I think first time I sent it in
html, so that it didn't made it...)

Hi Luc,

I think the collectors can't understand, why you didn't clearly state the
pairings of your finds in selling them.
You adapted the Antarctic field number system for your Sahara prospecting,
that's o.k.,
but if one reads the Bulletins, one will find with each and every Antarctic
number for a rarer type immediately given the pairings,
with your stones not.
What shall we think, if we see your EH3s - 50 different numbers, a mess. On
your homepage, I can't find any hints to the relative coordinates (what ever
this should be) or to the distances, the pieces were found from each other
and as paired are given only 3 numbers.
Recently we had the Rumuruti-pairings-issue here on the list with the
result, that most of the 30 NWA Rs could be reduced to 3 or 4 different
falls only and regarding all other finds, we found out, that it's an ultrare
thing, that class.
Now if I search the database, I find Sahara 99527 R5, Sahara 99531 R3-5,
Sahara 99537 R3-6.
Intellectually limited as I am, I think for myself, that those stones were
found in 1999 and that there were the 527th, the 531st and the the 537th
stone the Labennes recovered this year, thus almost on the same day and as I
learned at school, that camels do not have wings, I suppose, that those
stones were found quite in the same place.
Well, but they have three different classifications!?
In the Bulletins no information is found about a possible pairing, nor about
the geographical correlation between these stones,
and on your homepage? Nothing. There I find only Sah 99531, described as
"a unique R3-5" (sic!).
On the other hand, we all know, that nowhere on Earth and nowhen (does this
word exist? I guess, should be "never") in history ever were found 3
different Rumurutis in the same place.
May you now begin to have a presentiment, that perhaps at one or the other
collector little doubts could arise?

So imho it would be more helpful than to scold other listees to show "little
or no interest in the scientific value of meteorites",
to give a link or a hint, where we can find the "relative coordinates" of
your finds, as at least I do not know where to find them.

And finally, Luc, don't forget that a meteorite without complete find data
has a lower collector's value than a meteorite with complete ones.
Therefore - and this is my personal opinion - I think the price difference
of your material to NWA material is not justifiable, until you will reveal
the coordinates. (I'd say from the point of view of a seller, that it is
very schlemiel to set this huge advantage aside, but it's your business :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "luc Meteorites.tv / Labenne Luc" <labennemeteorites_at_hotmail.com>
To: <drtanuki_at_yahoo.com>; <info@meteorites.tv>;
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sahara 99555,a "Rosetta Stone"! OT: Tired of

> Dirk,
> Yes, we changed our mind about publishing the coordinates of our
> since we found the first ones in 1997, a long time before the rush to
> meteorites in hot deserts. The relative coordinates are known, and that's
> enough to study pairing. We've decided not to publish the rest yet in
> to protect these areas from people like you.
> I noticed that you made no comment whatsoever about the article published
> Nature - and am comforted in my idea that you have little or no interest
> the scientific value of meteorites. If there is any fraud in the meteorite
> community, it comes from people purchasing meteorites found by others and
> giving them exotic names like Gan Gan, so it's easier to sell. Remember??
> If you want to clean house and don't have anything constructive to publish
> on this list, the best thing you can do is keep your petty comments and
> infighting to yourself.
> Sincerely,
> Luc
> Labenne Meteorites
> Meteorites for Science, Education & Collectors
> http://www.meteorites.tv
Received on Wed 31 Aug 2005 05:53:05 PM PDT

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