[meteorite-list] Park Forest Winslow St., Diana Kasco (Homeowner) Letter

From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jul 19 15:09:39 2004
Message-ID: <40FC1C58.9090502_at_fascination.com>

Hello list;
My name is David and I am an addict.
I just got back in last night from a 4 day, 2,400 mile trip to Wisconsin
and back (to Wyoming) to deliver a thousand pounds of rocks to another
addict. So much for working my 12 step program.
In the process of returning, I brought some of his rocks from there (400
pounds) and stopped and collected another 500 pounds of Wyoming rocks
before I arrived home.
Help me, I am sick. Oh, I will have some anorthosite (just like in
the moon rocks) to sell or trade very soon (soon as the car gets unloaded.
Dave F.

John K. Gwilliam wrote:

> At 11:02 AM 7/19/2004, star-bits_at_comcast.net wrote:
>> <For the longest time I couldn't walk through a parking lot or
>> down a street or sidewalk without picking up rocks, thinking it might
>> be a
>> meteorite. I am better now and almost never pick up rocks anymore.
>> Diana Kasco>
>> My name is Eric, I am an addict. I drive thousands of miles and
>> fall up and down
>> mountains just so I can find more rocks to pick up. I dream of
>> "THE" rock that will
>> make my habit all better. I am in denial. I am an addict with
>> little hope of getting
>> better. Friends and family pray for a cure, I pray for one more
>> rock to pick up.
>> --
>> Eric Olson
>> ELKK Meteorites
>> http://www.star-bits.com
> Hello Eric and List,
> Thanks for coming clean with us Eric, it must have taken a lot of
> courage.
> I think there are enough people like Eric on the Meteorite List that
> we could start a 12-Step program for meteorite hunters/collectors.
> The Arizona Chapter alone would be huge!...;-)
> Best,
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Received on Mon 19 Jul 2004 03:09:12 PM PDT

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