[meteorite-list] Boorish Comments on A Tektite Web Page
From: kaolinite_at_ctc.net <kaolinite_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:14 2004 Message-ID: <1082039598-kaolinite-4.smmsdV2.0.3_at_localhost> Where is Proud Tom when we need him? While searching the Internet for information about tektites using Google, I came across some rather rude, crude, and obnoxious comments from a rather prominent collector and seller of meteorites, tektites, and related materials at: http://tektitesource.com/Argentine%20Escoria.html I know that the relations between professional scientists and avocational collectors is often strained and heated and differences of option often exist about collecting versus curating. However, indulging in childish name-calling, i.e. "self-ordained high priesthood" normally used by anti-science and anti-intellectuals such as Young Earth Creationists and making denigrating accusations of an individual as being "a poor ambassador of science" is certainly no way of resolving such issues. All they do is to further antagonize people on both sides of the fence and further divide both groups. As far as I am concerned the "footnote", in which such name-calling occurs is nothing more than a self-righteous temper tantrum on the part of the author. Surely, the differences between the researcher and the author could have been resolve privately. In my opinion, the academic being abused by the comments made in the above web page certainly has no obligation to contribute to a completely commercial profit-making operation that has absolute no scientific purpose. The author complains that taxpayers paid for this research and, thus, he has a right to demand that the academic answer his questions. I would argue that such reasoning is incorrect and silly. As a taxpayer myself, I would argue that the author of this web page has absolutely no right to demand that taxpayer money, in the form of the researcher's salary, be used to subsidize his commercial venture. As a taxpayer, I quite happy that the researcher being denigrated by the author of the article chose to devote his time to conducting research instead of wasting it on a nickel and dime profit-making scheme that will neither create new jobs nor contribute significantly to the economy. The author of the web page needs to understand that us taxpayers are ***not*** paying the researcher, whom he berates so rudely, to be his copy-editor. I am glad that the researcher didn't waste his time and my tax money assisting the author of the article make more money, but rather devoted it to the research that it was intended to be spent on. Besides, the information has been published in literature where it is freely available to the author and anyone else where he can read it. Thus, the researcher contrary to the web page's author claims has fulfilled his duty to the taxpayer. In addition, I believe it would be rather silly for someone to agree to something that might contribute to the destruction of what he is trying to study. As an amateur fossil collector, I have seen too many wonderful fossil-collecting localities either destroyed or put off-limits by commercial collectors who "strip mined" them for commercial purposes. For example, the commercial collecting of shark's teeth at the Clarke Creek fossil location in Alabama resulted in property damage that angered the owners so much that they have forbidden anyone, amateurs, scientists, and commercial collectors from visiting the site for decades. When someone decides to make a commercial venture out of selling mass quantities of certain item, instead of just collecting it for their personal collections, amateur collectors and research scientists do have to be concerned that the mass collecting of this item will damage or destroy the source of it or cause it being put-off limits by irate landowners or governments. As an amateur collector of fossils, I certainly wouldn't feel obligated to assist a commercial collector "strip mine" my favorite fossil location. Similarly, I wouldn't expect a scientific researcher assist a commercial collector popularize the commercial collecting and sale of what he or she is studying. In fact, it would rather stupid of a researcher to contribute to the efforts of a commercial collector that might either damage or destroy the resource base that his research depends upon simply for the collector's profit. The real sad thing about the "footnote" in the above web page is that it's author decided to engage in the public assassination of the character of a fine scientist simply because he judged that the taxpayer money, the salary for the time involved, would be better served conducting scientific research instead of being a lacky copy-editor for someone's commercial venture. The laughably self-righteous and unnecessarily rude, crude, and obnoxious wording of the "footnote" is also quite "sad" because it only contributes to the acrimony and disharmony between collectors and scientists. In my opinion, the "footnote" is a classic examples of how the actions of arrogant, self-righteous ill-tempered people poison the relationships between collectors and scientists. Yours, Keith Littleton St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana Received on Thu 15 Apr 2004 10:33:18 AM PDT |
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