[meteorite-list] Meteorite-list sign out
From: Charles Viau <cviau_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:09 2004 Message-ID: <002b01c41825$310b57a0$1800a8c0_at_chupa> This is just my 2 cents, but the content of this list is so bothersome lately that I feel that it is the precursor of its demise. Let's face it; any entity that tries to govern itself without enforced regulations just does not work any more in this electronic society. The net has changed forever. I certainly do not have the credentials like some who post to this list, nor have I been here for the time that they have, however I do have a suggestion. This is the premier meteorite board on the net. Perhaps, it should now be treated with the respect it deserves. Thousands of professionals and amateurs alike visit and post to it. There are people here from NASA, all the great colleges and universities, scientists, most major dealers... and of course the casual person just looking for information. I agree that a moderator that donates their time and resources cannot justify active moderations. Without Art, this list would not exist, so how about a plan for the future: Art moves the list to a web platform. There are some great, secure web based message board apps available out there. The board charges dues to people who post to the list. They are assigned individual passwords. Lets say, an unqualified sum of $5.00 per year. The list maintains free read-only access for everyone. The dues pay for the web related expenses and the services of a full-time moderator that Art can hire who filters the content to meteorites only. Any personal attacks, offensive post or spam, you lose your password, forfeit your dues and are never allowed to post again. Period. Other content deemed inappropriate, moderator gives warnings and if it continues, ditto. I think that if this is done, the list will flourish and some of the people that have left (and missed) will come back. Again, just a suggestion, and I do not know how Art feels about that, so perhaps he could respond with his opinion. Regards, CharlyV -----Original Message----- From: meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com [mailto:meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Michael L Blood Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 4:45 AM To: pierre.pele_at_voila.fr; Meteorite List Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite-list sign out Hi Pierre-Marie & All, Well said, BUT there are 3 MAJOR problems with your proposed solution: 1) Art is good enough to sponsor this list, but HARDLY ANY LIVING HUMAN would have the time to screen every post! This list is set up to function on automatic. 2) While Art has outlined very clear and sane rules, he is very patient in allowing room for a "self correcting" forum to allow people to straiten out when they get out of line. Only a hand full of people have ever been even suspended and only a few have been banished. And believe me, they ALL blatantly violated rules over a period of time to manage that. 3) Even when Art does eject a chronic offender, if they have no scruples or respect for self and others they can simply re-register using an ongoing string of email addresses and continue to "contaminate the water." (an example of this took place in just the last hour or so). So, the most effective method BY FAR of dealing with people who attack and name call and use obscenities is to 1) ignore them under any and all circumstances and/or 2) write them OFF LIST if you feel you MUST RESPOND. Any response on list is like trying to put out a fire with buckets of gasoline! (3- Praying for them won't hurt, either). Of course, you can also assume the attitude expressed by ET, and which, on SOME occasions I have done - enjoy the "dog fight" for what it is - humans acting out their weaknesses.... sometimes it can be viewed as truly comical. However, I find that difficult when things get "nasty," - especially when such dynamics can lead to contributors such as Bernd leaving the list, but even then there is a magical solution! - DELETE!!!! Best wishes, Michael on 3/31/04 9:59 PM, Pierre-Marie PELE at pierre.pele_at_voila.fr wrote: > Hello to the list. > > I don't want to sign out myself but I'm very afraid that all these signs out > (Mike and Mark) will lead the list to die itself if it continues this way. > > 1. So we have to think out to the cause of this problem : in my opinion, it's > due to the personal attacks and messages sent to the members. They were > private messages that should have been sent directly to the members and not on > the list. > > 2. The solution : My solution would be that the moderator (Hello Art !) would > read each incoming message and refuse all the messages whose content is > offensive for a list member. This way, we'll only get messages whose object is > about meteorites and not about meteorite guys. > > Pierre-Marie PELE > www.meteor-center.com > ------------------------------------------ > > Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr > > > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list -- When Jesus said "Love your enemies" I think he probably meant don't kill them. Anonymous -- For perspective, try THIS: http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10/index. html -- cool message fro Ben & Jerry: www.TrueMajority.org/oreo -- AMAZING photos of Aurora Borealis, etc. http://faculty.rmwc.edu/tmichalik/atmosphere.htm -- Hubble space telescope - AMAZING photos!: http://wires.news.com.au/special/mm/030811-hubble.htm -- http://www.costofwar.com/ -- SUPPORT OUR TROUPS: http://www.takebackthemedia.com/onearmy.html -- Worth Seeing: Earth at night from satellite: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0011/earthlights_dmsp_big.jpg -- - Interactive Lady Liberty: http://doody36.home.attbi.com/liberty.htm -- Earth - variety of choices: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vplanet.html -- Michael Blood Meteorites: http://www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com/ ______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-listReceived on Thu 01 Apr 2004 03:09:03 PM PST |
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