[meteorite-list] dronino (in)stability: a solution ?
From: Zelimir Gabelica <Z.Gabelica_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:29:56 2004 Message-ID: <> Hello Steve, Matteo, List, Dronino seems to be very versatile to rusting indeed.=20 -I got a small slice from Sergey Vasiliev in May 2003 with not any rust problem so far (now about 4 months after).=20 -I purchesed 2 other slices in Ensisheim (June 21) from Serguei (Serge) Afanasiev and one month after they both were fully covered with rust, basically all around the silicate inclusions. - I purchased another small slice from Vasiliev in Ensisheim and today it is just as fresh as in June.... =20 Apparently either every Dronino piece is intrinsicaly different or it is a problem of cutting method and precautions taken after cutting, but probably not a storage problem because all the 4 slices were stored in the very same drawers and boxes, with just, as (poor) protection, a silica bag in between the cotton wool and the plastic box bottom. Having nothing to loose with Serge's slices and not having on hand any reliable recipe nor chemicals, I directly tried the first commercial product I found in a Department Store (in Belgium).=20 It is a tube of compact (wax-like) "paste" named "STRAHLDUR" (German brand ?) sold for a few euros as a "mirror finish without polishing" for current domestic houseworks... Operatory conditions, as written on the tube and box, in 6 languages (also in italian, Matteo!), suggest to "apply Strahldur" on a WET sponge for "stainless steel, copper, brass, tin, chromium, aluminum, but also plastics, enamel, glass, tiles bathroom fittings, sink, hot-plates, oven grill, toaster, kettle, IRON, cutlery, resopal kitchen furniture, refrigerators, window frames, garden furniture, and much much more"...moreover: "it removes RUST from chrom plated parts and dirt from wheel rims"... It so continues: "Wash the object (with a wet sponge) and dry (wipe off)...ready!"... Any warnings ? Not really. They write: "Strahldur contains NO ACID and is gentle to the skin"... Composition ? "contains "mineral polish" (?), emulsified paraffin, natural soap, "cleansing raw materials" (?)...and a "fresh orange fragrance" (probably to remove tha latest doubts of a semi-convinced housewife"...). As a chemist, I realized that the paste could prove relatively harmful to most of metallic objects. And the metals cited above (including rust!) can mostly be involved in a meteorite as well! Without preliminary trials on any other meteorite, I just then removed most of the superficial rust from my 2 dirty Droninos with a razor blade (dry conditions) and then applied Strahldur with a DRY cloth (I IGNORED wetting for obvious reasons) for about 2 minutes, by gently rubbing all around the slices. Then just gently polished with another soft cloth so as to recover the initial mirror-brillant polish. The slices immediately recovered their initial aspect and were mint again! This treatment was performed 5 weeks ago and I just checked the 2 slices today: perfect with not any trace of rust! (remember that rust appeared 1 month after purchase of the mint slices). This can be a first step towards a solution of rust removing from our polished iron slices and, in particular, Dronino. I am however cautious and prefer waiting for more time but so far this kind of simple treatment appears fairly promising.=20 I will, of course, keep you informed. But the message here can be that, instead of using complicated and harm chemicals (such as preliminary I wanted to use in a laboratory), it is perhaps preferable to put our faith into very common cleaning products for housewifes. They are, by definition, not dengerous, must be efficient and, especially, polyvalent, thus for a lot if different uses, probably including meteorite cleaning, rust removing and, possibly, further protecting through some film (my speculation). I almost forgot. I further tried this product to remove some rust spots from an etched iron involving Widmannst=E4tten pattern.=20 As all my Gibeons are "desperatly" stable, I tried to treat a slice of SPEARMAN (Om IIIAB, Texas). Rust was immediately gone but the W pattern remained untouched!=20 This is (for me) an even more promising result as it was always a nightmare for me to have to remove rust from a slice through some chemical (acid) and then re-treat with Nitol (or FeCl3) to recover the W pattern. Glad if this helps and happy to answer any further question or comment, All the best, Zelimir ------ At 04:51 16/09/03 -0700, Steve Arnold wrote: >Hello again list.Could someone please let me know how stable the DRONINO=20 >meteorite is?I mean versus campo, nantan, and some other iron pieces.I am >trying to decide whether or not to buy some.I, like mike blood like to >collect only stone or stoney-irons, but like to take a chance on a good >stable iron piece.Let me know. > steve arnold ------ On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 04:58:39 -0700 (PDT), Matteo answered: Hello Dronino have high problem with rust, I am under search a method for stop this. Regards Matteo ****************************************************** Prof. Zelimir Gabelica Groupe S=E9curit=E9 et Ecologie Chimiques (GSEC) - ENSCMu 3, rue A. Werner F-68093 MULHOUSE Cedex, FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94 FAX: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15 e-Mail: Z.Gabelica_at_uha.fr ****************************************************** Received on Tue 16 Sep 2003 12:21:21 PM PDT |
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