[meteorite-list] Re: this humorless idiot?

From: Fredmeteorhall_at_aol.com <Fredmeteorhall_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:27:48 2004
Message-ID: <143.1c246359.2ce67555_at_aol.com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
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     I would like to commend Steve Arnold of Chicago for being such a good
sport. Same for proud Tom. Let it be known that I had nothing to do with the
Proud Tom web site, but I find it extremely funny and creative.
     If the creator or this site wants to make fun of me in this fashion,
making MOST of the meteorite community laugh their collective heads off, well, I
volunteer. There is so much misery and far too little humor in this world, it
should be the other way around!
  Regards, Fred Hall, Meteorhall

Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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Georgia" LANG=3D"0">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I would like to commend Steve A=
rnold of Chicago for being such a good sport. Same for proud Tom. Let it be=20=
known that I had nothing to do with the Proud Tom web site, but I find it ex=
tremely funny and creative.<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If the creator or this site wants to make fun of me=
 in this fashion, making MOST of the meteorite community laugh their collect=
ive heads off, well, I volunteer. There is so much misery and far too little=
 humor in this world, it should be the other way around!<BR>
&nbsp; Regards, Fred Hall, Meteorhall&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT></HTML>

Received on Fri 14 Nov 2003 01:13:41 PM PST

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