[meteorite-list] Proud Tom Update...

From: Jerry A. Wallace <jwal2000_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:27:48 2004
Message-ID: <3FB52534.3020408_at_swbell.net>

To the Detractors, Contractors, and Protractors of the Proud Tom brouhaha,

Well, here I find myself breaking one of my own aluminumclad, 'chiseled
in mush' rules,
but then there's always a handy exception for doing so. I try to never,
if ever, comment
more than once on any off-topic subject. Sort of like--- take my best
shot and run like
blue blazes...but here goes...

The controversial Proud Tom website appears to be evolving, overnight-
much like a
rusty Nantan.

Speaking of rusty Nantans, that subject and its solution are covered in
the new "ASK
TOM" column in today's edition of the Proud Tom website. I am currently
the method that was proposed and am gradually seeing some impressive
results on
my own pile of Nantan rust. I'm going to try the same treatment on some
of my other
less than incredible specimens in my meteorite and meteorwrong piles.

I forecast a brilliant future for the "ASK TOM" column. It's
interesting, newsy, and
topical. The very attributes that so many wish the list could return
to. {; > ]

As for the etiquette of the Proud Tom page... questionable? Perhaps. But
all in all-
no great harm, no great foul. I have the impression that all of the
"targets" took the
literary pokes with grace and humility, a tribute to their intelligence
and begrudging
sense of humor (with the possible exceptions of Mr. Cheatinsonufabytch
and Ahmed's
half-brother Achmed, who was last heard from in the desert declaring a

And as Steve (Chicago) Arnold has been heard to say many times..."This
is absolutely
the last time I'll write about this!"

With the proverbial 'grain of salt',

Jerry Wallace

Proud Tom Lives... http://www.x-mail.net/proudtom/index.html
Received on Fri 14 Nov 2003 01:55:48 PM PST

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