[meteorite-list] Re: Barringer Meteor $$$$

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:25:43 2004
Message-ID: <20030524001630.62042.qmail_at_web12704.mail.yahoo.com>


Here is something that is very interesting...

Grazing rights are issued by the AZ BLM to Bar-T-Bar
aka Meteor Crater Enterprises for their cattle

These historically have been bid at very, very low

Well, I just saw this in the local paper:


What this environmental group is doing is outbidding
the cattle ranchers for a potential of 8 million acres
of land now having been abused for over 100 years by
over grazing.

This case is a first, and most likely will result in
many such actions.

Now, the huge high desert verandas of the Coconino
Plateau need to come to their attention. This place
is the home to multitudes of Elk and Antelope heards
as well as lesser animals, often put out by cattle

Now... wouldn't that be great if the ranches that
abuse the claims to mineral rights on AZBLM trust
lands around Meteor Crater, and these lands are used
to generate funds for AZ Schools, were outbid by
environmental agnencies that had a better handle with
regards to proper land use and permits?

The State lands around Meteor Crater are AZBLM School
trust lands, and to secure them for true environmental
reserves... if at all possible would be indeed a real

Then us serious meteorite collectors can then ask the
new owners of grazing rights for permits.

And who knows...

We might just get some respect, and Arizona State some
money for their schools.

Steve Schoner

--- Bob Martino <martino.6_at_osu.edu> wrote:
> All,
> Apparently I was mistaken in my belief that Dr.
> Nininger was collecting
> meteorites without permission. Thank you to those
> who pointed out my error.
> Now I feel better, actually, since my mistaken
> belief that the good Doctor
> was a poacher marred my otherwise positive thoughts
> about him.
> Still, I stand by my other statements. Sure, Meteor
> Crater would make a KICK
> ASS National Monument, if it were given the
> necessary resources. But since
> the NPS doesn't have the resources but MCE does, I
> say leave well enough
> alone for now. And I think you do have to give MCE
> some credit. It may be a
> "tourist trap," but it's the classiest one I've ever
> seen.
> Nevertheless, I for one would LOVE to come along on
> a "Rabbit Hunt" out that
> way sometime. Anyone feel like organizing?
> "Shhhhhhh... Be vewy, vewr qwiet... I'm hunting
> 'wabbits'!
> hehehehehehehehehe!"
> "Wabbit Season!"
> "Meteowite Season!"
> "Wabbit Season!"
> "Meteowite Season!"
> "Wabbit Season!"
> "Meteowite Season!"
> -----
> Bob Martino, Tucson, AZ
> Can you really name a star? Read the Truth!
> http://home.columbus.rr.com/starfaq/
> .
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