[meteorite-list] Tucson 2003 Show Report
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:18:26 2004 Message-ID: <OE16367cfLjmA9XH6k400011b6e_at_hotmail.com> Tuscon 2003 Show Report By Mark Bostick I am always worried about flying with meteorites. My solution on going to Tucson this year was to pack very little meteorites. Buying is much more enjoyable then selling anyway. Leaving through Wichita, Kansas I had little worries. The last year or so has taught me it is the larger airports that seem to be more of hassle. After being stopped for 25 minutes and setting the alarm off 3 times I now have to rethink this theory. Since I did set off three alarms, I was informed that the airline now had the option of not letting me fly and that they would search my other baggage as well. I had just purchased some overpriced but cute little Masterlocks, so I gave one of the airport security people a key and asked that they do not break the lock. Minutes later he came back and told me that it was too late, they had already broken the lock, slightly frustrated and annoyed I was then cleared and made my way towards my departing gate. I would fly out Wednesday and arrive early Thursday. After making a few appointments I would have time to make it to Jim Kriegh and Twink Monrad party. Or at least that is how the plans went in my head. Their party was kind of early and sadly I did not make it. I really enjoyed the year before. That year, they had great food, and company. After Tucson last year I went south of the border for a short visit to Mexico and therefore they gave me my last real meal for a couple weeks. One of the highlights I remember well at the Kriegh-Monrad party was eating at a table with the Labenne's and having Robert Hag come up and talk about their then recent lunar finds. I invited Hag to set down and listened while they talked moon rocks. This was a conversation I felt way outclassed in and had nothing to add. (Hey, I've purchased a few....does that count?). Next year I will try to come in earlier and not miss this friendly event. The day ended quickly but I did manage to pick up a few items. A 464g full slice of Two-Dot, a complete slice of the Lunar DAG461 (0.728g), a large and heavy box of coral fossils and few other small items. Shared a couple beers with Marvin Kilgore, met with a few of the non-meteorite sellers I got to know the year before while selling, but the day ended quickly and I would soon have to make it back to my room for my last real night of sleep in Tucson. Rosie Hackney, would arrive in the middle of the night and we would soon be joined by Jason Phillips. Even the flea bag hotels are close to $100 a night during the show time and many people share rooms and rides to limit our cost. So me and Rosie started the day by trying to find a Denny's or the like for breakfast. After much search we retreated to the interstate and an IHOP (Thats "International House of Pancakes" for those of you not here in the states.) Friday I spent a lot time at the Inn Suites. Meeting Anne Black, Fred Hall, Fred Olson, Richard and Dorothy Norton (who along with Twink Monrad were kind enough to ask and notice that I missed the dinner the night before), Mike Jensen (who was helping out with the Pitt auction), David Weir, Nelson Oaks, Geoff Notkin, Steve Arnold....both of them and a few others. I even witnessed the first meeting of the two Steve Arnolds. Amazingly, not only did the world not end, I do not think it even effected the earth's gravity. Of course I will be watching global news reports to verify this uneventful clash of names. Paul Harris and Jim Tobin could also be found here at the Inn Suites and carried with them a couple of the best looking button australites I have ever seen, perhaps they will be future Tektites of the Month and you, my fellow list members can see the great shape these tektites have. Marvin Kilgore had some of the best displays I have seen and some of the best meteorite examples to go in them. The highlight to his room this year was however his collection book. Which I can honestly say is the best collection book I have ever seen. Hardbound, with nice color photos, at $55.00 it is a great bargain. In fact they were so good he had sold out of his first shipment before I got there.....:-( After looking through his book on hand it only took me a few minutes to decide I wanted one. But fear not, a new shipment is due the 15th so do yourself a favor and order one. Kilgore was mostly by himself which makes me wonder.....how did you ever get those very large display cases there and set up? Friday night was the Birthday Bash, Me and Rosie, now with our other Roommate Jason Phillips made it a little late. There was one table with three chairs left so we sat down with Steve Arnold (of Chicago) and I made my way to the bar for a drink. Here I was met with a challenge. Getting a drink and making it back to the table, while socializingand not coming back to the table with an empty drink. After a few attempts at this I managed to get a waiter to bring me two drinks. The Birthday Bash is always fun and this year was no exception. One of the highlights of this event is the Harvey Awards. This year I even managed to win. Granted they auctioned one off in an effort to buy drinks for the award winners and that was the one I won. I always attempt to help or promote the different events in Denver and Tucson if I can, as it is these events that pull us together. Winning the Harvey award, a plastic cube with a baby Toluca on top, also got myself a drink and with the Harvey Award, a great souvenir of Tucson. Perhaps in the future I will really win one and one of you will buy me a drink in return. Although, feel free to by me a drink even if I never get awarded one. One of the soon to be "classic" moments of the Birthday Bash was the many announcements made by Steve Arnold (the broker) not so much from Steve Arnold (Chicago). The first was "Steve Arnold from Chicago is look for Honolulu meteorites.", the came "Steve Arnold from Chicago has found his Honolulu meteorites for $100.00 a gram", the "Steve Arnold from Chicago is selling his Honolulu meteorite for $200.00 a gram." followed by "Steve Arnold from Chicago is willing to trade his Honolulu meteorite for Nevada meteorites.", followed by...okay I think you get the point. It was entertaining and pleasant event and enjoyed by all. Thank you Steve Arnold (from Chicago) for being a good sport. Also thanks to Steve Arnold (Meteorite broker) and Geoff Notkin for putting on the event. It was enjoyed by all. After the dinner a few of us got together for more drinks in one of the Hupe/Lang rooms. After finishing the keg there, the canned beer there, and attacking a few bottles of Lang's wine (Thanks Allen), light told us it was now daytime and therefore we better lay down before any sleep was impossible. All the rooms are always packed during these events and rather then make it back to my room, they were kind enough to let me crash by the doorway, hoping it would not get opened in the middle of the night, and therefore hit me head. It didn't. Erich Heider's room was at the Pablo Inn. Formallyy the Four Points, and before that one or two other names. (They like changing names in Tucson to confuse outer towner's). Erich and Sylvia have always been one of the friendliest sellers. Always willing to offer drinks to guest and often selling many meteorites at a well below "retail" (if there is such thing in the meteorite world anymore). Here I purchased a full slice of Martian DAG975 (0.901g) and a 52g etched Taza. The price on the Taza....a little over $2.00 a gram. It was an end cut but very thin and just a little over a the thickness of a regular slice. I was glad to add an etched Taza at a good price (finally) and I could always use another full (even though small) martian slice to the collection. Paul Liu could also be found at the Pablo Inn. The same spot as last year and as he mentioned to the list. "Right in front of the main entrance". I saw him there last year and somehow could not find him too easy. Strangely, he was RIGHT in front of the main entrance. Paul is a great guy, if you ever see him in Denver or Tucson (always outside) say hello. He is the chinese guy in the baseball cap, which should somewhat narrow it down for the 1000's of sellers...and if you can pay attention to small details like "right in front" you should have no problem finding him. (Hello Paul). There were many people "suit casing" the show, as rooms are high and keep you stuck in one place. One of them was Steve Arnold (the meteorite broker). Steve always carries around a large case of meteorites, this year he was carrying two. (But his arms hurt about right now). From Steve Arnold I managed three thin sections, A DAG734 (EL4), Pena Blanca Spring (Aubrite), and a Camel Dongo (Eucrite). All three for the price of $150.00. A bargain considering the DAG734 looks like it took 1g of meteorite to make (which has retail at $140 a gram). The Michael Blood auction was (in my opinion) the best place to find bargains. Since I was helping Michael I did not have the chance to record prices, but perhaps Michael or someone else would be kind enough to post prices. I did pick up a few things. One of Anne Black's Libyan Glass/Gold pendants for $30.00, a 3.18g DAG734 EL4 for a low ~$85.00 (to go with my thin section I purchased from Steve Arnold the day before), the 80g lot of Taza for $100.00, a case of 150 2003 meteorite calendars for $110.00 with shipping (can you say calendar sale), and my more favorite from the lot, well that I purchased, a 36.8g Homestead slice for $135?...if I remember right. Bill Jensen and Rex Kelsey played the role of Beermeister and their help was greatly appreciated. I did not get one beer with a head....that's a topping of beer foam for you non-drinkers. Greg and Adam Hupe entered some of the best specimens and took the low market very nicely. (Thanks for sharing your meteorites at almost give away prices). Michael Blood's quiet friend, Cecil Caufield helped me and Rosemary Hackney assist Michael during the event. I have always tried to be supportive in anyway I can to the show events as I really feel it pulls us all together. A noticed a appreciated salute goes to Daryl Pitt. Who not only attended Michael's auction, but purchased a piece and came up to Michael with kind words and a hand shake. A great show of character from a nice guy. While it may seem at times that we like to fight and argue on the list, when we are at the shows the drinks are plentiful and friendship is obvious. WAY TO GO DARYL!!! (and please keep us updated on Steve Schooner). I flew out pretty early on sunday and did not have the chance to hang around the Pitt auction much, but I did manage to pick up one item, the 44.8g Oued El Hadjar end cut for I forgot price....very fair. That's the alter sacrificed stone. Sadly my plane would be leaving early in the day and I feared a long wait at the airport, while they questioned each meteorite for its possible weapon usage. So I had to leave the auction early. While the item I was most interested in went above my pre-bid, and my on-sight bid (wasn't sure if I would be there for it), I did manage a nice meteorite at a good price. Other people I enjoyed meeting not mentioned above, and please grant me some slack if I leave out your name would be, Steve Drummond, Howard Wu, Eduardo and Oscar (meteorites.com), The Saharan Overlord people, various mineral dealers met previously, Eric Cane (a wire-wrapper who worked on some jewelry for me), the blond I met at the Pueblo Inn poolside, who is most likely not a list member, but if you are e-mail me....:-), Eric Olsen (although he was pretty much too busy to talk), various Denver Meteorite club members, Jim Kriegh, Twink Monrad, John Gwilliam, Matt Morgan, Michael Farmer, Jim Strope, Michael Cottingham, David Freeman, and also thanks to whoever made my omlette at the Best Western.....mmmm. Clearing security in Tucson was quite easy. I guess the mass of mineral collectors and sellers makes them use to people like me carrying 200 pounds of rocks, some of them iron. One of my bags they kept putting in and rescanning it from different angles but al in all....no problems. Leaving Tucson, I plugged some headphones into my seat to listen to the flight cabin. I was now leaving nice warm Tucson for cold and boring Kansas. The plane was completely full with passengers and I was worried all my items would not make it on board. The pilot reported that all but 5 of golf clubs bags made it under the plane. It was snowing across the northern US so I didn't see them get much use the next week anyway. After I landed in Wichita, the pilot reported the flight was "terminated" and we were now taxing to the "departure" wings. Makes you wonder who gave those airplane nicknames. So without typing out a book, and telling you all my deals and such (Hey I cant give everything away) I hope that gives those that did not attend a good ideal on how the show went and activities. I think it can be said we all had a great time. I know I did. See you all next year....and remember Denver in September. Denver is September...hey, that almost rymes. Received on Mon 10 Feb 2003 03:49:34 PM PST |
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