[meteorite-list] the nuns want to go to tucson with me

From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:18:04 2004
Message-ID: <3FEC9F5D.7000408_at_fascination.com>

Watch out that they don't end up in Blaine's room with the keg!

Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! wrote:

>Good afternoon list.I got a very unusal email about 2 weeks ago from a NUN
>order from georgia.I guess they had been monitering the meteorite list and
>thought it would be cool to go to tucson next year.But what is so weird is
>that want to know if they can go with me.Well as you all know I have round
>trip airfair there and back.NO ROOM FOR ANYONE!!They thought that I sound
>like a fun guy and that I could show them the sites and sounds of
>tucson.What do you think list should I show them all the sites and sounds
>of tucson???They are going to have to get there on thier own.Maybe they
>could ask the FLYING NUN to come out of retirement and they could all fly
>AIRGOD.Well this is one of the most bizarre emails I have ever
>gotten.Comments of any kind would be welcome.Even proud tom can't top this
>one.Hey I was thinking, I don't think even MATTEO could top it
>either.Matteo and proud tom???Nah! It could never be!
> steve arnold, chicago
>Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
>I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
>Illinois Meteorites
>website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
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