[meteorite-list] A Sign From Above (Sylacauga Meteorite)
From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:17:38 2004 Message-ID: <BBF22620.E09F%mlblood_at_cox.net> Hi Ron & All, As discussed here, on the list, in METEORITE Magazine and in METEORITE TIMES, there are many "categories" in which people collect meteorites - falls (vs finds), "type," geographic distribution, etc. However, meteorites that hit things (Hammers, I like to call them, because they nailed something) are right up at the top of my list. I consider Sylacauga THE all time (to date) hammer! We have all "heard of" the one that went through a car window and struck a Japanese man on the hand or arm - and the kid in Mbale who was struck in the leg by a ricocheting specimen, but both these lack corroborating documentation. Therefore, Sylacauga is IT. The one that unquestionably struck a human! Long live Sylacauga! Best wishes, Michael (PS: Any list member having any of this material they are willing to trade or sell, please contact me off list - thanks) on 12/1/03 1:10 PM, Ron Baalke at baalke_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov wrote: > http://www.megastar.co.uk/news/news/2003/12/01/sMEG01MTA3MDI3MTAxODA.html > > A sign from above > Mega Star (United Kingdom) > December 1, 2003 > > A sign from above > November 30, 1954 > > On November 30, 1954 the first modern day meteorite to strike a person fell to > earth in Alabama USA. This is how Megastar's Deep South correspondent > reported the startling news... > > The world will duly end for y'all within the year after a rock-based sign from > the lord almighty struck down the life of a clean livin' lady of Sylacauga, > Alabama. > > Well nearabout. She got a whole heap of bruises and she ain't happy. > > Mrs Elizabeth Hodges was just fixin' to listen to that evening's radio > broadcast of Billy-Bob Evangel's prayers for the terrible dead, when the > flamin' rock from hell came a-crashin' through her ceiling. > > Before Miss Hodges had the horse sense to run from her dog-gone > living room, lickety-split the fiery brick of sin - or meteorite as > them blasphemous scientists are calling it - bounced off of her radio > set and knocked her clean on her purdy hip. > > "I thought it was some kinda varmint," wailed Miss Hodges after > the biblical sign. "I ain't no yaller dog, but I was just tore up by it > all. As sure as grits is grits, I'm doomed." > > Elizabeth's husband, the county Frog Gigger was laying out that > night at the city limits bar room, but when he returned to see his > house darn tootin' cattywampus, he was quoted as saying: "What > in tarnation!" Before collapsing from the intoxicatin' effects of the > event. > > Fiery signs from God are as scarce as hen's teeth round these > parts and this lil' June bug was a whole 8.5 pounds and seven > inches in length. > > The state of Alabama is the first place to have someone injured by a > brick of sin, though I hear tell a dog was struck down by the > almighty in one of them there Egyptian places in 1911. All this > marries right with the story of the Chihuahua and the stone of doom > (Dwayne, Chapter 6, Verse 2). > > In other words, run for the hills kinfolk, the day of reckoning has > come. Sho' nuff. > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. Cyril Connolly -- Hubble space telescope - AMAZING photos!: http://wires.news.com.au/special/mm/030811-hubble.htm -- http://www.costofwar.com/ -- SUPPORT OUR TROUPS: http://www.takebackthemedia.com/onearmy.html -- Worth Seeing: - Earth at night from satellite: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0011/earthlights_dmsp_big.jpg - Interactive Lady Liberty: http://doody36.home.attbi.com/liberty.htm - Earth - variety of choices: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vplanet.html -- Panoramic view of Meteor Crater: http://www.virtualguidebooks.com/Arizona/GrandCanyonRoute66/MeteorCrater/Met eorCraterRimL.html -- Cool Calendar & Clock: http://www.yugop.com/ver3/stuff/03/fla.html -- Michael Blood Meteorites & Didgeridoos for sale at: http://www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com/Received on Tue 02 Dec 2003 02:21:05 PM PST |
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