[meteorite-list] US falls and what will be normal ?
From: j.divelbiss_at_att.net <j.divelbiss_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:10:04 2004 Message-ID: <20030406161234.7DD8B53565_at_pairlist.net> Hello all, I guess my post from a couple months ago commenting about the meteorite drought in the US can now be changed to safely say the drought status has been dropped...literally. The fall into a Chicago neighborhood in the US is BIG NEWS!! (that I never noticed in the local paper...strange). The pictures of the dark/light matrix of the Park Forest meteorite are incredible. Is seems to be a very special fall for many reasons. My question to all of you is...will the coming falls (in the future) in the US have the same kind of outcome from a pricing standpoint? Many normal everyday people in the US think that meteorites are priced so high that a fall of one in their backyard makes them an instant millionaire. My belief is that any US fall in the coming decades will result in outrageous pricing at the time of the fall. We do everything big...well so will our new falls be priced ...BIG$$$$$$$$$$$. Just a thought. We buyers will have to protest at some point. Maybe at the gates of the Tucson show. John Received on Sun 06 Apr 2003 12:12:31 PM PDT |
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