[meteorite-list] paint-fused stone, and...."Live from P.F. It's Sat Night!"
From: John Gwilliam <jkg_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:10:04 2004 Message-ID: <> Gregory, Thanks for sending a picture of your newest acquisition, it is really something. Is it my imagination, or do I see at least 4 different layers of paint attached to your stone? What a specimen! Congrats, JQ At 10:42 AM 4/6/03 -0400, Sharkkb8_at_aol.com wrote: >For those who might have some skepticism about all the Park Forest >excitement, check out this pic! At 11:53p the night of March 26, a stone >crashed through the roof of Noe Garza's home, split into (at least) two >pieces, broke the ceiling joists, came through the ceiling of his son's >bedroom, careened off the windowsill (about 18-24 inches from the sleeping >boy's head!), and ricocheted off a mirrored (not any more) closet. Rob >Elliott obtained several pieces (some 400 grams-worth) of this material, >which is quickly becoming known as the "Garza Stone". I was able to >obtain a 33 gram fragment, please take a look, I beg of you! The boy's >windowsill was metal, painted a white-silvery color, and this paint has >become literally fused to the surface of this fragment. > >http://members.aol.com/sharkkb8/garzapainted2.jpg > >Last night, if the Applebee's in Matteson, Illinois had blown up, the >meteorite business would have have been as decimated as the Iraqi >Republican Guard. Bob Haag, Rob Elliott, Steve Witt, Al Lang, Greg Hupe, >Mike Farmer, Steve Arnold (IMB) Geoff Notkin, Marvin Killgore, Roman >Jirasek and wife, Jim Schwade and I (I'm sure I'm leaving someone out, and >I apologize!) all held court until the wee hours, eventually closing the >place. Even the waitresses were learning about meteorites, as everyone >took pictures and shared their finds, buys and stories. It was a >hoot! Some of the Park Forest hype may seem like overkill, and some of >it probably is, but it's quite an experience to actually be here and see >it unfold! > > Gregory Received on Sun 06 Apr 2003 12:06:40 PM PDT |
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