[meteorite-list] Meteorite Contest #7 - Clarification
From: Tracy Latimer <tracyl_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:08:29 2004 Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.21.0209201259440.23960-100000_at_netra.lib.state.hi.us> That's pretty easy... over the past week, I gave a talk about my meteorites to a group of A+ (3-5th graders) students at a library on the island I was visiting (my husband and I went to the Neighbor Island of Molokai for our annual vacation this year.) Anyway, I had a slice of Gold Basin I put up for grabs for the students, provided they could show they had gotten SOMETHING out of my talk besides time away from school. The question I wanted them to answer was: "I talked about the three main types of meteorites at the beginning of my presentation. Whoever can name them gets the meteorite I'm giving away." Everyone remembered stone and iron, but no one remembered stone- or stony-iron. I started giving hints, and one young man raised his hand "Stone, iron, and... spaghetti!!" Guess it was getting close to dinnertime. Everyone broke up laughing, and that was where I gave up on that question. The Gold Basin went to a young lady who correctly said that it took MILLIONS of years for meteorites to get to us from where they started. On that one I also had one student say confidently that it took 7 years for meteorites to get to Earth from outer space. Musta put a warp drive on that one... Tracy "Kids say the darnedest things" Latimer > > Hi Mark: > > My entry... for contest #7: When you have shown someone your > meteorite(s), what's the wildest/strangest comment or question you've > been asked? > > Mike Received on Fri 20 Sep 2002 07:13:13 PM PDT |
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