[meteorite-list] IMCA, Blood's comments

From: webbth_at_appstate.edu <webbth_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:04:50 2004
Message-ID: <Pine.PMDF.4.21L.0205200106420.751080105-100000_at_appstate.edu>

I expressed some of these same views when the organization was forming. I
have been dealing in and collecting meteorites, fossils and minerals for
42 years and have an impeccable record of honesty in buying and selling
these items we love so much. I have been a member of several mineral
clubs and societies which were helpful to the dealer and collector alike.
I also think an organization such as the IMCA is a good idea as far as
having members who share information to better the dealing in and
collecting of meteorites. However, at this point I have not asked to
become a member, because, rightly or wrongly, I have perceived it as more
of a police action committee. If my perception is wrong and the club has
higher ideals, then I would like to become a member. Otherwise I will
remain on the outside and continue my good business practices as I always
have, just as the two gentlemen earlier mentioned by Michael Blood always
have (Rob Elliott and Michael Farmer). If the organization can help bond
us all together in a way helpful to all and not by espousing suspicion or
creating a police state, then I think the remaining few might be
interested in joining.
Could the list perhaps see a statement of objectives of the IMCA?
Thanks and best wishes to all,
Thomas H. Webb

On Sun, 19 May 2002, John Gwilliam wrote:

> At 08:57 PM 5/19/02 -0500, Mark Bostick wrote:
> > From M. Blood..
> >
> >Rob, Mike & all,
> >We all know Rob & Mike are 100% honest & stand by their material.
> >Why aren't you guys members? Since, as I understand it, the primary
> >purpose of IMCA is to guarentee authenticity, why would anyone NOT be
> >a member?
> >If we aren't all in this togeather, then it is really worthless,
> >impotent
> >nonsense. (or, maybe I'm missing something - if so, someone please tell
> >me what it is)
> >Rob & Mike, I'm listening - tell me the strait poop - perhaps you have
> >good reasons, in which case I will bale as well. If not, then let's all
> >do the
> >right thing.
> >And Rhett, let's not be shy, here, or what's the point.
> >Best wishes, Michael
> >
> >Michael,
> >
> >I think this is a very bad ideal. It is not our job or responsibility to
> >police or try to control the market. The IMCA is a step and should be
> >looked as such. I had the ideal of a dealers award. This could be another
> >IMCA step. We could and should look for ways to expand it. This is not
> >one of them (I believe).
> >
> >I run probley more meteorite auctions on eBay then anyone. I will not put
> >any statement in my auctions telling bidders to only buy from IMCA
> >members. For several reasons. One that comes to my head is I do not
> >agree with all the members on their choice of ethics.
> >
> >Me and you (Blood) have both had problems with one member that has still
> >not sent me a refund promised even in an e-mail to the list (Brad
> >Sampson). (Yes Brad I understand, you lost my address the 8th time I sent
> >it to you and you cant find my e-mail and couldnt find me in the
> >meteorite-list archives).
> >
> >The IMCA from my understanding...as a member...only promises the meteorite
> >is real. So I have no problem with others "ethnics"....the moment this
> >changes I will have to see if this is a membership I wish to be a part of.
> >
> >Mark Bostick "The Big Collector"
> To List Members,
> Mark, and some others, makes several very good points here that I
> support. Organizations such as the IMCA (Yes...I am a member) make
> progress in baby steps, not giant ones. Whenever human beings are
> involved, there will always be exceptions, rogues, and self-promoting
> individuals in every well meaning group. Moreover, just because someone
> doesn't belong to "the group" shouldn't make them a target of
> suspicion. Progress in a positive direction takes time and requires
> patience - there is no "quick fix" for the problems that ail society in
> general and our group specifically. In a Utopian world, all items sold on
> Ebay and the Internet would be legitimate and ethical. Until we reach that
> higher standard, we should expect, though not condone, the frailties of
> ignorant and devious seller alike.
> What we can do is to make sure that those of us with knowledge conduct our
> personal business in a forthright and fair manner. Eventually, the problem
> will correct itself. Until then, expect problems along the way from self
> centered people.
> Sometimes the best and most memorable education a person can receive is at
> the hand of a con man. We as a group - a group of meteorite collectors and
> dealers, are not responsible to protest every prospective meteorite buyer
> from being burned. The education and experience that can be gained from
> "being taken" will only enlighten those that are quick to bid on an auction
> item without doing their homework. I am not a baby sitter to everyone that
> bids on meteorites on Ebay - nor are the rest of you. If you want to
> champion a truely improtant cause with your time, take on something more
> noble like feeding the hungry or housing the homeless.
> Off My Soapbox,
> John Gwilliam
> John Gwilliam Meteorites
> PO Box 26854
> Tempe AZ 85285
> http://www.meteoriteimpact.com
Received on Mon 20 May 2002 01:40:00 AM PDT

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