[meteorite-list] Tagish Lake -- A Meteorite from the Far Reaches of the Asteroid Belt (Part 1 of 2)
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:53:34 2004 Message-ID: <200212130149.RAA07517_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Dec02/TagishLake.html Tagish Lake -- A Meteorite from the Far Reaches of the Asteroid Belt Planetary Science Research Discoveries December 12, 2002 --- A new type of primitive meteorite with much to tell us about the formation of the solar system. Written by David W. Mittlefehldt NASA, Johnson Space Center Pieces of a 56-metric-ton meteorite rained down over a wide area of Canada on January 18, 2000. Many pieces landed on the frozen Tagish Lake, allowing scientists to recover numerous samples, and giving the meteorite its name. Studies show that the meteorite is intermediate in composition between the two most primitive groups of chondrite meteorites, CI and CM carbonaceous chondrites. Observations of its trajectory allowed scientists to calculate its path through the solar system. The calculations show that it hails from the outer asteroid belt, in a place where dark, carbon- and water-rich asteroids reside. Tagish Lake is a new type of primitive meteorite that will surely shed light on how the solar system formed. Reference: Mittlefehldt, David W. (2002) Geochemistry of the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Tagish Lake, the anomalous CM chondrite Bells, and comparison with CI and CM chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 37, p. 703-712. -------------------------------------------------- Arctic Fireball Every year, the Earth is pelted by debris that occupies the void between the planets. This debris is mostly dust- to sand-sized rocky bits shed by comets or asteroids. You, dear web-surfer, may have witnessed the recent spectacular Leonid meteor shower. This occurs when the Earth plows through dust expelled from comet Temple-Tuttle as it travels through the inner solar system -- in 2002 we went through a particularly concentrated dust tail, resulting in the excellent Leonid display. However, these grains burn-up in the upper atmosphere and don't reach the ground as meteorites. A rarer event is a bright fireball streaking across the sky. These sometimes result in the recovery of meteorites that can be studied by scientists to uncover the secrets of the solar system. A recent example of this is the fall of the Peekskill meteorite in 1992. This spectacular fireball was witnessed by thousands as it streaked northeast across the skies of the Mid-Atlantic States, before smashing into the trunk of a parked car in Peekskill, New York. The Peekskill meteorite is of a type known as an ordinary chondrite. As the name implies, this is a very common type of meteorite. It is still an important object for scientific study, but because it is a common type of meteorite, it adds only incrementally to our understanding of the formation of the solar system. A much rarer event is the very bright fireball that promises an especially large meteorite, and it is a very rare event indeed when this promised behemoth turns out to be an unusual type of meteorite. Such an event occurred at local dawn on January 18, 2000 over the skies of Alaska, the Northwest and Yukon territories, and British Columbia. This was the fall of the Tagish Lake meteorite. Entering the atmosphere over the Canadian Arctic, the fireball was detected by down-looking US satellites tasked to look for such mundane man-made events as ICBM launches. Traveling south-southeast, the exceptionally bright fireball was witnessed by numerous observers. Why they were out at dawn on a cold winter's day is simply beyond my comprehension. The Tagish Lake fireball was detected by a wide variety of sensors. Infrared and optical sensors on the satellites detected the light output of the fireball, while infrasound detectors and seismographs picked up the airwaves generated by the meteor. From these data, Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario and his colleagues were able to estimate the size of the object that hit the Earth's atmosphere, and how much energy was released during its passage. They calculated that the rock initially was about 4 meters in diameter with a mass of about 56 metric tons. The meteor was fragmented several times between 50 and 30 kilometers altitude while plowing through the atmosphere, and heavily ablated until terminal velocity was reached at an altitude of about 28 km. Brown and colleagues estimate that at this point, only about 1.3 metric tons of rock remained -- 97% of the rock had simply burned-up in the atmosphere! All told, the fireball released about 1.7 kilotons of energy. This is about 1/12 the energy of the first atomic bomb. The witnesses' accounts of the fireball allowed searchers to home in on the likely region where meteorites may have impacted the ground. In this case, "ground" is a bit of a misnomer. The region is mountainous and heavily forested. Fortunately, the Tagish Lake meteorite fell in deep winter in northern British Columbia. Most of the recovered meteorites were found on the ice of frozen Tagish Lake, even though there must be many hundreds of fragments scattered over the mountains. The largest single fragment massed 159 grams. Right: The meteorite recovery team used a chain saw to cut through the lake ice to collect meteorite fragments trapped in the ice. The largest Tagish Lake stone, originally massing 159 grams. It has been broken open to show the gross texture of the [piece of Tagish Lake meteorite] meteorite. The right side of the stone shows the fusion crust formed by melting of the surface by friction with the atmosphere as it fell. The cube is 1 cm across. Only about 0.1% of the estimated 1.3 metric tons of surviving rock was ever recovered. This is only 0.002% of the estimated mass of rock that entered the atmosphere! Had the meteor arrived in July, it is almost certain we would never have found any of the fragments that reached the surface. -------------------------------------------------- A Meteorite's Orbit Eye witnesses to the fireball were able to provide scientists with sufficiently detailed accounts to permit an orbit to be calculated for the meteor. The calculation done by Peter Brown and his colleagues shows that the pre-entry orbit of Tagish Lake extended all the way from the outer reaches of the asteroid belt to just inside the orbit of the Earth. [diagram of orbits and asteroid belt] Orbital diagram for the inner solar system showing the pre-entry orbit of Tagish Lake, and the asteroid belt. The planets are shown in their positions at the time of fall at 16:43 UT on January 18, 2000. Scientists know that most meteorites originate on asteroids, but including Tagish Lake, only five meteorites have known pre-entry orbits. Peter Brown and friends noted that the orbit of Tagish Lake extended to that part of the asteroid belt where asteroids classified by astronomers as C, P and D types predominate. These asteroids are know to have hydrated silicates (water-bearing minerals) on their surfaces, and because of their dark color, are suspected to be rich in carbon compounds. These are also characteristics of the most primitive meteorite types known -- the carbonaceous chondrites, especially the types classified as CI and CM. This was the first clue that Tagish Lake might be a primitive type of chondrite. However, too much could be read into the significance of the orbit. Getting a meteoroid from the asteroid belt to the Earth is a two-stage process. First, an impact on the parent asteroid is needed to "liberate" bits of rock and boost them off the asteroid into their own orbits. Then the meteoroids have to have their orbits altered. This is most commonly done through gravitational interactions with massive Jupiter. The gravitational tug by Jupiter can, over time, change the paths of meteoroids and asteroids that are in certain orbits, sending some of them into the inner regions of the solar system. Thus, the pre-entry orbit of a meteor may not accurately reflect the location of its parent asteroid. This is where the work by Takahiro Hiroi of Brown University and his colleagues came into play. These scientists measured the spectrum of light reflected by samples of the Tagish Lake meteorite, and compared these results to telescopic spectra of various types of asteroids. They found a good match with the D-type asteroids of the outer regions of the asteroid belt, suggesting that Tagish Lake may be a sample of this type of asteroid. -------------------------------------------------- Enter the Meteoriticists At this point, the meteoriticists got into the game. Samples of Tagish Lake were distributed to several researchers for mineralogical, petrological and chemical characterization. Studies led by Mike Zolensky at NASA's Johnson Space Center provided a detailed mineralogical and petrological look at Tagish Lake. And what a surprise this meteorite turned out to be! Although it does show some similarities to the two most primitive carbonaceous chondrite types (the CI and CM chondrites) it is nevertheless quite distinct from either of them. In order to better understand the significance of Tagish Lake, let's digress a bit and talk about chondrite petrology in general, and what it tells us. Chondrites are firstly classified by composition, and then by their texture and mineralogy -- that is, their petrology. The different chemical classifications are given letter designations (for example, CI, CM), while the petrologic divisions within the chemical classes are give numerical designations 1 through 7. Now, this may seem odd, but the texturally most primitive chondrites are type 3. These are composed of chondrules, fine-grained matrix, metal and sulfide. Chondrules are mm-sized spherical rocky beads that were formed by partial to complete melting of clumps of silicate mineral dust in solar nebula -- I like to call these clumps "nebular dust-bunnies." Chondrite types 4 through 7 were formed by increasing dry heating of primitive material resulting in increasing amounts of recrystallization of it. In type 7, the chondrules are no longer recognizable and all fine-grained matrix material has been destroyed. They retain their original minerals, but the original texture cannot be discerned. These chondrites have the texture of high-grade metamorphic rocks found on Earth. Types 2 and 1 chondrites are formed by increasing degrees of low temperature alteration in the presence of water, with type 1 chondrites being the most altered. Here, the original textures are quite often well preserved, but the original high temperature silicate minerals have been replaced by low temperature silicate minerals containing water, carbonate minerals, plus other phases. In many ways, these chondrites are similar in texture to sea-floor rocks on Earth that have been altered by interaction with ocean water circulating through them. The original texture is quite often clearly preserved even though all the original minerals have been replaced. This is known as pseudomorphic replacement. One final bit of information will help us understand the significance of Tagish Lake. Although meteoriticists know that chondrules were formed by melting pre-existing nebular dust-bunnies, we really don't know what heat source accomplished this. We do have several hypotheses, however, and all of them have one thing in common -- they should all be more effective closer to the sun than farther away. Thus, we expect that chondrules would have been more abundant close in by the early sun, and unmelted dust-bunnies farther out. Received on Thu 12 Dec 2002 08:49:06 PM PST |
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