[meteorite-list] Tagish Lake -- A Meteorite from the Far Reaches of the Asteroid Belt (Part 2 of 2)
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:53:34 2004 Message-ID: <200212130149.RAA07524_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> Tagish Lake -- A New Type of Primitive Meteorite Now back to Tagish Lake. Mike Zolensky and friends found that Tagish Lake is actually composed of two somewhat different rock types. The major difference between the two lithologies is in the abundance of carbonate minerals, one is poor in carbonates and the other is rich in them (see the images below). Both are composed of low temperature minerals pseudomorphing original high temperature phases, but some residual high temperature minerals are nevertheless preserved. This leads to a petrologic classification of type 2. However, Zolensky and company noted that Tagish Lake contained relatively few pseudomorphed chondrules -- much less than in the other type 2 chondrites, the CM2 and CR2 chondrites. They also noted that Tagish Lake has a much lower density than any other type of chondrite. They posited that Tagish Lake was formed further out in the solar system where fewer chondrules were formed and so was composed of a higher proportion of low density matrix material. [carbonate-poor rock type] A back-scattered electron image of the carbonate-poor lithology showing one of the rare, pseudomorphed chondrules. Almost none of the original high-temperature minerals are left in the chondrule, but the original texture is well preserved. Very few of the mineral grains in this lithology are carbonates. The scale bar is 100 micrometers. -------------------------------------------------------------- [carbonate-rich rock type] A back-scattered electron image of the carbonate-rich lithology showing its typical texture. The abundant light gray grains are carbonate minerals. The scale bar (lower right) is 10 micrometers. Well, we now know that Tagish Lake is a petrologic type 2 chondrite, but to which chemical class does it belong? The chemical classes are defined primarily by characteristic features of the bulk composition plus the isotopic composition of oxygen. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the solar system, after H and He. Thus, it may come as some surprise that the oxygen isotopic composition of the solar nebula was not everywhere the same. About thirty years ago, Robert Clayton of the University of Chicago and colleagues showed that different fractions of the Allende carbonaceous chondrite had distinct oxygen isotopic compositions that demonstrated this heterogeneity. In a series of subsequent publications, Clayton and colleagues showed that many meteorite classes have their own distinctive oxygen compositions. Now days, whenever an unusual meteorite falls or is found, its oxygen isotopic composition is determined to see how it fits in the solar pantheon. Brown and colleagues presented analyses of the oxygen isotopic composition of two bulk samples of Tagish Lake. They found that it is distinct from any other chondrite class, although it is close in oxygen isotopic composition to the primitive CI chondrites. Thus, Tagish Lake seemed to represent a new type of chondrite. This is borne-out by other compositional studies. Several research groups have done bulk elemental composition studies of Tagish Lake -- Brown and colleagues, Friedrich and colleagues at Purdue University, and me, your humble narrator. The bulk elemental compositions of chondrites record the fractionation processes that occurred during formation of the rocky matter in the solar system. At the start, the solar nebula was composed of a cloud of gas and dust. As formation of the solar system started, gravitational attraction caused the cloud to begin to collapse to form the proto-sun. This collapse heated the cloud to the point that the dust in the inner regions vaporized. Subsequently, the gas cloud cooled, and minerals began to condense out of the gas phase much the way snowflakes condense from the water vapor contained in Earth's atmosphere. This process led to fractionations -- that is separations -- of some elements relative to others based on the minerals they condense into. Different chemical classes of chondrites show differing types and degrees of these fractionations. Geochemists divide elements into four basic types. Lithophile elements are those that are contained primarily in silicate minerals -- the rocky bits of meteorites. Siderophile elements are found mostly in the iron metal phase. Chalcophile elements follow sulfur into the sulfide minerals. Finally, atmophile elements remain largely in the gas phase. Different silicate minerals, metal and sulfide minerals condense out of the solar nebula at different temperatures. If some process separates minerals from the gas phase before condensation is complete, elemental fractions occur and these can be preserved in chondritic meteorites. The CI chondrites are nearly unfractionated relative to the bulk matter of the solar system. For a wide range of lithophile, siderophile and chalcophile elements, CI chondrites are very similar in composition to the solar photosphere (the visible "surface" of the sun). Since the sun contains about 99.9% of the mass of the solar system, its composition is effectively that of the solar system. Thus, it appears that the CI chondrites acquired all but the atmophile elements in the same proportions as in the primitive solar nebula. The bulk composition of Tagish Lake is shown compared to CI and CM chondrites in the abundance diagram shown below. The CI chondrites are shown as a straight line because I have normalized the data to CI chondrites -- that is, I divided the concentration of each element in each meteorite type by its concentration in CI chondrites. (I also did a double normalization to magnesium in each meteorite type. This corrects for differing degrees of dilution by volatile constituents in the rocks -- water and carbon dioxide.) The elements are ordered by decreasing temperature at which each element is calculated to have condensed out of the gas phase in the solar nebula, and I have used different shading for lithophile, siderophile and chalcophile elements. Tagish Lake is closest in composition to CI and CM chondrites, but as can be seen, it matches neither of these chondrite types exactly. For those elements that condense above about 1340 K (about 1067 oC, or 1953 oF), Tagish Lake is a good match for CM chondrites. However, for elements that condensed below about 1080 K (about 807 oC, or 1485 oF), Tagish Lake lies between the CI and CM chondrites. This is true independent of whether the element is lithophile, siderophile or chalcophile in character. Here again, the bulk composition shows that Tagish Lake is its own beast, although it is closer to CM chondrites in composition. [abundance plot] A plot of the abundances of a wide range of elements in Tagish Lake compared to the primitive carbonaceous chondrite types CI and CM. Each symbol represents a different element, and they are shaded according to geochemical behavior -- lithophile, siderophile and chalcophile. The elements are plotted according to the temperature at which they are calculated to condense out of the nebular gas into mineral phases. For the more volatile elements (those on the right) Tagish Lake is between CI and CM chondrites in composition. -------------------------------------------------- Diamonds and Star Dust Monica Grady of the Natural History Museum in London and her colleagues did detailed analyses for carbon and nitrogen in Tagish Lake, and made estimates of the various light-element components in the meteorite. First off, they found that Tagish Lake contains by far more total carbon than either CI or CM chondrites. However, they studied only a small chip of the meteorite, and they estimated that between 22% and 47% of the carbon was derived from carbonate minerals. It is possible that their sample was of the minor, carbonate-rich lithology identified by Zolensky and friends, in which case the C content determined by Grady and colleagues may overestimate the true abundance. A large fraction of the total carbon is contained in organic molecules -- Grady and company estimate that about 44% of the C is so contained. Currently it is believed that organic compounds in primitive meteorites either are compounds formed in the interstellar medium, or remnants of those compounds modified during alteration on asteroids. Either way, the presence of abundant organic material in Tagish Lake implies that a portion of the material that went into forming its parent asteroid was never strongly heated in the nascent solar nebula. Finally, Grady and colleagues noted that a portion of the carbon is contained in what are called nanodiamonds -- very tiny diamond grains at most only a few micrometers in size. In fact, Tagish Lake contains more of the nanodiamonds than any other meteorite. Nanodiamonds are believed to have formed in the expanding shell of a type II supernova. Hence, they are literally the dust of other stars that traveled through the interstellar medium to end up in our forming solar system. Again, because Tagish Lake contains more of these grains of stardust, it seems likely that this meteorite was formed farther out in the solar nebula than other meteorite types. The emerging picture, then, is that Tagish Lake represents a new type of primitive meteorite, similar to, but distinct from the CI and CM chondrites. In some properties Tagish Lake is more similar to CI chondrites, in others to CM chondrites. The early studies discussed above point out numerous characteristics of Tagish Lake that suggest that it came to us from the outer reaches of the asteroid belt -- a reflectance spectrum like the distant D asteroids, high carbon and water contents, abundant interstellar nanodiamonds and organic molecules, the low density and low abundance of chondrules -- all bespeak an origin far from the sun. Without doubt, further study of this unique stone will tell much about the events that transpired roughly 4.56 billion years ago that ultimately led to us, sitting in front of our computers, wondering how it all came to be. -------------------------------------------------- [ADDITIONAL RESOURCES] Book recommendation for general audiences: Meteorites: Their Impact on Science and History by Brigitte Zanda and Monica Rotaru (Editors), 2001, Cambridge University Press, 128 p. Brown, Peter, G. and others (2000) The fall, recovery, orbit, and composition of the Tagish Lake meteorite: a new type of carbonaceous chondrite, Science, v. 290, p. 320-325. Friedrich, J.M., Wang M-S., and Lipschutz, M.E. (2002) Comparison of the trace element composition of Tagish Lake with other primitive carbonaceous chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 37, p.677-686. Grady, Monica M. and others (2002) Light element geochemistry of the Tagish Lake C12 chondrite: comparison with CI1 and CM2 meteorites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 37, p.713-735. Hiroi T., Zolensky, M.E., and Pieters, C.M. (2001) The Tagish Lake meteorite: A possible sample from a D-type asteroid, Science, v.293, p. 2234-2236. Mittlefehldt, David W. (2002) Geochemistry of the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Tagish Lake, the anomalous CM chondrite Bells, and comparison with CI and CM chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 37, p. 703-712. Tagish Lake Meteorite/fireball investigation homepage from the consortium study by the University of Calgary, University of Western Ontario and NASA/JSC. Tagish Lake Meteorite news release (May 2000) from the University of Calgary. Zolensky, M.E. and others (2002) Mineralogy of Tagish Lake: an ungrouped type 2 carbonaceous chondrite, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, v. 37, p. 737-761. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received on Thu 12 Dec 2002 08:49:24 PM PST |
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