[meteorite-list] Re: --Just a suggestion for your Tucson Ring-(Flame delete if under 18 )
From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:52:22 2004 Message-ID: <B98E949D.1B82%mlblood_at_cox.net> Come on, Elton, Don't hold back. How do you REALLY feel? Michael on 8/25/02 1:20 PM, EL Jones at jonee_at_epix.net wrote: > I've saved this message for a while hoping that you'd change and abide > by your past assurances to this list that you'd tone it down but I am > now outraged and livid at your disrespect for my time and your wholly > selfish actions. Contrary to your beliefs there are actually other > subjects this list is for. I loathe that one of them is to chastise an > alleged adult that delights in playing the victim while setting up the > rescue--whatever it takes to stay in the foreground of attention. It > makes me dirty to even address it. Some people need to be shamed/shunned > as part of their codependency cycle so they can do it all over again. > This isn't a forum for your personal problems. Steve on one hand I > think you are overall a good person that would like to make a > contribution to our hobby. Then another email arrives...Just call me > PTSD but you then perrish that belief I have in you. > > Mr. Steve"Let Me Know" Arnold in Chicago --I don't think anyone can let > you "know"-- But I'll try.--personally and publicly to denounce your > presence on the list in the way you are persently operating........ I > am annoyed and appalled at your arrogance and oblivious disregard for > the majority of folks this list. So with apologies to those folks..... > > Take your *&*%#_at_(@#& Ring and associated barrage of "spam-like" messages > and put it where the sun don't shine--anywhere you like-- but keep it > out of my face every day. Your sale is a sham and you are desperate to > unload apparently worthless material. If it were not so we'd not be > having this conversation and I'd not have a dozen emails about your > "sale". Any potential clients have shunned you by virtue of their > unwillingness to buy from you outright. So you chase and to punish them > for not respecting you as a "dealer". You want a shortcut ride to the > top... Try it the old fashion way and earn it. > > You say you'll be out all day but, before we can relax you are back with > another message. Day in and Day out you show us you haven't a clue about > being a businessman little alone a meteorite expert. You apologize your > hinnie off for your abuses yet, you continue them within a few days. > Maybe I am missing something here but your emails and your actions don't > agree with each other. If you really cared for this list, as you have > "groveled" on more than one occasion, you'd respect it more and live by > your words, I should think. > > What would our mail boxes be if each (ahem) "dealer" (rolling eyes), > posted every minor event, to let us know about each specimen they had > "sold". I am waiting for your message that you've gone to the bathroom > in case that lone purchase email arrives while you are in the toilet. > HINT: I think most dealers update their web page to reflect that the > item is "sold". Rarely do they announce a "sold" unless it is an item of > extraoridinary interest --I don't see that applying to your sale . I > challenge you to set up your own email group like other meteorite > dealers do in order to keep their clients informed. Then again you'll > might have only have one subscriber .... > > You continue to confuse words in your emails. SPAM is Unsolicited > Commercial Email sent to vast numbers of people to find a lone sucker. > IT is sent in disregard for the time and enjoyment of others--it is in > a word--selfish. Your advertisements meet that criteria to be called > SPAM. But unlike you-- no one here is SPAMMING you. We are starting to > FLAME you. It does no good for one adult to chastise another adult in a > moderate tone-- it takes a down right direct and harsh confrontation. > > Before you compose one of your private posts to me citing free speech, > etc.--Don't get free speech and free enterprise confused with overriding > our freedoms to associate with those we choose. And don't get the good > graces of the members of this list be mistaken for approval of your > indulgences i.e. "repetitive inappropriate attempts to draw attention". > They are in whole a very forgiving accommodating group. Out of principle > they defended you without the facts at hand when you "let it slip" that > someone called you names. One more thing, as evidenced by your sales > record and desperate discounts --DON'T get yourself confused with a > meteorite dealer, either. > > In my own whinny defense I am disrespecting Steve becasue he has > repeatedly disrespected me--I am allowed under his standards to > interpret his emails however I'd like. He has asked for feedback. If > any of you other armchair-lawyer, bleeding-hearts, "Friends Feeling > Sorry for Steve", "Free Speech yada yada","Who made you our spokesman?" > personalities now viewing this flame, think I am out of line; there is > a list called "meteorite noise_at_yahoo" and I'll be happy to debate it > there no holds or worlds barred. Be forwarned my initial response is > going to be "BITE ME"in case you want to save yourself the time of > composing your argument and save band width. I am feed up with having > these wars here. And Steve --no phoney extra yahoo email addresses to > pretend to be someone else this time. > > In the most assuredly sincere sentiments, > Elton "Regards" Jones > > > > > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way. Mark Twain -- Worth Seeing: - Earth at night from satelite: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0011/earthlights_dmsp_big.jpg - Earth - variety of choices: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vplanet.html -- COLLEGE MONEY CLICK HERE to search 600,000 scholarships! http://us.click.yahoo.com/iZp8OC/4m7CAA/ySSFAA/jFYolB/TM -- Michael Blood Meteorites & Didgeridoos for sale at: http://www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com/Received on Sun 25 Aug 2002 05:05:17 PM PDT |
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