[meteorite-list] Re: --Just a suggestion for your Tucson Ring-(Flame delete if under 18 )
From: EL Jones <jonee_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:52:22 2004 Message-ID: <3D693C00.3000506_at_epix.net> I've saved this message for a while hoping that you'd change and abide by your past assurances to this list that you'd tone it down but I am now outraged and livid at your disrespect for my time and your wholly selfish actions. Contrary to your beliefs there are actually other subjects this list is for. I loathe that one of them is to chastise an alleged adult that delights in playing the victim while setting up the rescue--whatever it takes to stay in the foreground of attention. It makes me dirty to even address it. Some people need to be shamed/shunned as part of their codependency cycle so they can do it all over again. This isn't a forum for your personal problems. Steve on one hand I think you are overall a good person that would like to make a contribution to our hobby. Then another email arrives...Just call me PTSD but you then perrish that belief I have in you. Mr. Steve"Let Me Know" Arnold in Chicago --I don't think anyone can let you "know"-- But I'll try.--personally and publicly to denounce your presence on the list in the way you are persently operating........ I am annoyed and appalled at your arrogance and oblivious disregard for the majority of folks this list. So with apologies to those folks..... Take your *&*%#_at_(@#& Ring and associated barrage of "spam-like" messages and put it where the sun don't shine--anywhere you like-- but keep it out of my face every day. Your sale is a sham and you are desperate to unload apparently worthless material. If it were not so we'd not be having this conversation and I'd not have a dozen emails about your "sale". Any potential clients have shunned you by virtue of their unwillingness to buy from you outright. So you chase and to punish them for not respecting you as a "dealer". You want a shortcut ride to the top... Try it the old fashion way and earn it. You say you'll be out all day but, before we can relax you are back with another message. Day in and Day out you show us you haven't a clue about being a businessman little alone a meteorite expert. You apologize your hinnie off for your abuses yet, you continue them within a few days. Maybe I am missing something here but your emails and your actions don't agree with each other. If you really cared for this list, as you have "groveled" on more than one occasion, you'd respect it more and live by your words, I should think. What would our mail boxes be if each (ahem) "dealer" (rolling eyes), posted every minor event, to let us know about each specimen they had "sold". I am waiting for your message that you've gone to the bathroom in case that lone purchase email arrives while you are in the toilet. HINT: I think most dealers update their web page to reflect that the item is "sold". Rarely do they announce a "sold" unless it is an item of extraoridinary interest --I don't see that applying to your sale . I challenge you to set up your own email group like other meteorite dealers do in order to keep their clients informed. Then again you'll might have only have one subscriber .... You continue to confuse words in your emails. SPAM is Unsolicited Commercial Email sent to vast numbers of people to find a lone sucker. IT is sent in disregard for the time and enjoyment of others--it is in a word--selfish. Your advertisements meet that criteria to be called SPAM. But unlike you-- no one here is SPAMMING you. We are starting to FLAME you. It does no good for one adult to chastise another adult in a moderate tone-- it takes a down right direct and harsh confrontation. Before you compose one of your private posts to me citing free speech, etc.--Don't get free speech and free enterprise confused with overriding our freedoms to associate with those we choose. And don't get the good graces of the members of this list be mistaken for approval of your indulgences i.e. "repetitive inappropriate attempts to draw attention". They are in whole a very forgiving accommodating group. Out of principle they defended you without the facts at hand when you "let it slip" that someone called you names. One more thing, as evidenced by your sales record and desperate discounts --DON'T get yourself confused with a meteorite dealer, either. In my own whinny defense I am disrespecting Steve becasue he has repeatedly disrespected me--I am allowed under his standards to interpret his emails however I'd like. He has asked for feedback. If any of you other armchair-lawyer, bleeding-hearts, "Friends Feeling Sorry for Steve", "Free Speech yada yada","Who made you our spokesman?" personalities now viewing this flame, think I am out of line; there is a list called "meteorite noise_at_yahoo" and I'll be happy to debate it there no holds or worlds barred. Be forwarned my initial response is going to be "BITE ME"in case you want to save yourself the time of composing your argument and save band width. I am feed up with having these wars here. And Steve --no phoney extra yahoo email addresses to pretend to be someone else this time. In the most assuredly sincere sentiments, Elton "Regards" Jones Received on Sun 25 Aug 2002 04:20:16 PM PDT |
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